
If you have set up your timesheets with a sign-off process that includes approval, then once the candidate has submitted their timesheet for the set period, an email automation will be sent to the approvers that are selected.

NOTE: The approvers are listed on the Finance page. A minimum of one approver needs to be listed as a mandatory requirement and up to three can be listed.

The timesheet view on the Candidate Portal:

The approver will receive an email that contains a link to the timesheet entry. Below is an example of a weekly timesheet submission:

From here, they can either Approve or Reject.
Once approved, the following message appears:
Success! You have actioned this Timesheet!

The next stages will be either:

No Validation required: The status will update from Approved to Completed. Once it is completed, the Financial Transaction record will be created. 

Validation required: the timesheet will then need to be checked internally and Validated. This will then update the status to Complete, which will create the Financial Transaction.

On the Candidate Portal the timesheet line will move from the Submitted Timesheets section to Completed Timesheets, with a status of Completed.