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Engage with your industry peers. Get answers from experts. Explore important topics together. Share information and best practice.

Having a close synergy with People and Information will help you maximise and enhance your Mercury experience.


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Join the Mercury Community - an evolution in support, engagement and collaboration. The Community is your specialist knowledge and communication platform. Ask, share, learn and discover with your industry peers. Your easy access to a growing network of resources, people and information.

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Ask anything about your day-to-day use of the Mercury software.

Ask questions, receive replies from the Community, and mark them as 'best answers' when they resolve your queries, building your own trusted knowledge centre. The Community is completely driven by you and your fellow Mercury users, allowing you to build strong working relationships.

Share information, best practices and opinions.

Engage with peers across your profession and tap into each other’s knowledge and expertise. Explore important topics together. Tell us what's important in your day-to-day use of Mercury and see what the hot topics are among your fellow professionals.

Stay up-to-date with all things Mercury.

You're just a click away from all the latest Knowledge Base articles, Product news and Release notices, Customer alerts and newsfeeds, and all Support and System news updates.

The Mercury Community is your voice.

Have a direct say in how you want us to continue developing the Mercury software. Give us your thoughts about the latest Mercury releases. Talk to us and get involved in how we shape and transform your Mercury CRM.

Email from your work email address to request an invite.

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