
View placement rates by going to a Placement record > Finance tab > Placement Rates button

If the Agreement has additional Rate Types listed, once the Agreement is linked to the Placement, the Rate Types that were attached to the Agreement will automatically link and appear on the Finance tab with the Pay and Charge fields blank.
NOTE: If the Currency fields are left blank, they will default to the default currency set within your system.

Edit a Placement Rate

To edit a placement rate already associated with a placement, select the blue tick-box of the rate to change, then click Edit

Add new Placement Rate

Click + New Placement Rate.
Within the Rate Type field, click on the magnifying glass at the end of the field to see available options.
Any overtime rates used within your business, should have been created and be within this list. Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk (*). Then click Save & Close to return to the Finance tab of the Placement Record. 
NOTE: A new placement rate can only be actioned by a System Administrator.