
You can either make contact with Candidates or Client Contacts by email or SMS or you can log contact made or attempted, by logging phone calls.

Logging Calls

You can create a Candidate Call in directly from Legacy Search by clicking the Call icon:

This can be accessed via the preview panel or from the icons on the left, before the contacts name.

If the search has been run from the Vacancy, the subject is pre-populated with the Vacancy reference number, the Client name and the Vacancy name, to make it easier to locate calls linked to this Vacancy within the contacts timeline. If the ad-hoc search is run from the Contact menu, these will both be blank.

Once you have filled in the details of the call, click on OK and the Candidate Call will be recorded in Mercury. This will log the call against the contacts record and any linked records.

The subject is pre-populated with the Vacancy reference number, the Client name and the Vacancy name, to make it easier to locate calls linked to this Vacancy within the contacts timeline.

A follow up call and time can also be added:


We are currently looking into a new SMS provider to integrate with. 

Email to

You can click on the envelope icon to send an email to a contact:

This will bring up the Email Editor; fill this in as usual and the email will be recorded in Mercury against the persons record.

TIP: If running a Candidate search from a Vacancy, if a job description has been uploaded to the Document folder in the Vacancy record then this will automatically be attached to any emails sent. If you do not want to send this, it can be deleted from the attachments.

Making Contact in bulk

This can be done by using the same icons but in a different way:

1. Select any contacts you wish to email by clicking on the tick on the far left-hand side of their row.

2. Click on the envelope icon at the top.

This will launch the email editor. Complete your email as normal.

NOTE: Phone calls can only be added individually.