
One of our great features is the link between Mercury and the Microsoft Dynamics applications, which of course includes Outlook 365.

When sending an email directly from Mercury to one of your contacts, this begins the automatic email tracking between the two systems. The email will store within the Contact Timeline. The email will also be listed in your sent items within Outlook. All emails that follow within the chain will automatically track into Mercury.

If the contact emails you directly or replies to an email that you send to them, whether this is from Mercury or Outlook, the email will automatically track into Mercury.

Sending Emails from Outlook

When sending emails directly from Outlook, they will not automatically sync into Mercury as standard set up. However, you do have an app called Dynamics 365 on the toolbar in Outlook, which allows you to manually track.

When you click onto the app, you will see that the email says 'Not Tracked'. To track, click on the ellipsis:

This will track the email into the Timeline.

Set Regarding

To link this email to additional records within the system, use the Set Regarding:

Simply type in the name of the record you wish to link the email to.

Can I view my emails in Mercury?

Yes. Within the Activities Menu, each activity type has it's own section which displays information logged:

Anything with the term My will show your activity.

Can I respond to emails from within Mercury?


The symbols on the right show that you can Reply, Reply to All or Forward the email:

Can I view my emails sent via Mercury in Outlook?

Yes. All emails sent via Mercury will also store in your sent items in Outlook. 

Will each Email response appear separately within the Timeline?

This all depends on whether or not you track your email. If the original email is tracked, any replies between the contact and yourself will all be contained within one email entry, with the full trail. If you send your first email from Outlook and do not track it, their reply will then appear as an entry in the Timeline. If you respond from Outlook and then do not track again and they respond, it is their response that is tracking the email. So it will therefore appear as a separate entry. If this continues, each response will create a separate entry.

To keep everything contained within the one email and keep the Timeline less contained with multiple entries, we suggest you either use Mercury to send the original email or track the first email sent via Outlook.

Will each Email contain the full email trail?


What if I have a response that contains sensitive data?

If you have a reply that contains data that you do not feel is appropriate for the whole business to view, simply Untrack this using the app. This will remove that entry/the content of that email from the Timeline:

The one thing to be wary of is if you do reply to this email and they in turn respond, their email will then track back into the Timeline and therefore the sensitive data will appear within the trail of that email. We suggest to break that chain, to send them a new email in response. 

Can I choose how the Timeline entries appear?

Yes, you can. It is defaulted to always keep them in there as Conversations but you can choose not to do that.



If an email is sent via Outlook, not tracked, and then later a user tracks it using the Dynamics App, then within the Timeline, the email entry will show the date tracked and not the date the email was created.