
Here are some common Q&As about Mercury's integration with LinkedIn

What triggers the LinkedIn message to the Candidate via InMail, asking for their consent to give access to their contact details?

When sending an InMail, the Candidate has the option to select the below choices as standard:


If they select Yes, interested... then the following box will appear:


The top field shows their email address and the bottom, their phone number.

If they select Yes, they can choose to share their contact details with you. These will then sync into their Contact record in Mercury.
If they select No, then the stub profile will remain the same.

On LinkedIn ATS section Jobs and Feedback, once a Vacancy has been placed or deactivated, will that job come off the list in this section? So it only shows current active shortlists? Or does the full history stay on there?

The full shortlist history will stay on the LinkedIn.


When syncing a new Candidate, do I have to shortlist them to a Vacancy?

Yes. This is part of LinkedIn's requirements. They want Candidates being approached because of a role, rather than for just adding people.


What is the difference between LinkedIn RSC and LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Please see this article > LinkedIn RSC v LinkedIn Sales Navigator


What can a Mercury user who doesn't have a Recruiter Corporate or Recruiter Professional Service (RPS) seat see?

They are able to see details of InMails and Notes from their colleagues who do have the above licence on the Mercury contact record timeline

Can I export Candidate CVs from LinkedIn?

No, the export to ATS function will create the LinkedIn candidate in Mercury and shortlist them against your vacancy. You can then send the person an InMail. If they agree to share further details such as email and phone number, these will be updated onto their Mercury record.

Does LinkedIn RSC allow me to post my jobs from Mercury to LinkedIn?

The LinkedIn RSC integration does not facilitate posting your vacancies to your LinkedIn jobs. Mercury only synchronises vacancy data to LinkedIn so Candidates can be exported and shortlisted against a specific open vacancy on Mercury.

I can see a lot of my Stub Profiles not pulling in any Names for my Candidates - am I doing something wrong?

No - when an InMail is first sent to a Candidate, at that time we don’t know the details of the person, only their LinkedIn reference number, which is why a Stub Profile is generated with no Name on it. Only when the Candidate later decides to share their details that we get the rest of the information.

If you click into one of those blank Stubs > Related > InMails (To) you will see that’s why we have them, to track the sent InMail, as all we know is the To is a LinkedIn ID. Once the Candidate replies to the InMail, further details are added to populate more fields on the Stub Profile and in turn, create the Mercury Contact record.