Located on a Mercury Contact record (used for both Candidate contacts and Client Contacts), you will find the Timeline in the centre.
Go to Timeline > + button > Appointment
The Quick Create: Task side panel will open.
Complete the relevant information and click Save and Close.
If you are using the Dynamics Outlook App, Appointments will auto-synchronise with Outlook.
NOTE: Owner, Purpose, and Subject are required fields before saving and closing the task.
Points to be aware of:
- Whoever is in the Required field will receive the Appointment Description and notes via email automatically when the Appointment is saved.
- As a... If the person is both a contact and a candidate, you can select which of the 2 record types the update is for. If candidate is selected, the email will go the contacts personal email address. If client contact is selected, it will go to their work email.
- Changing the duration of the meeting will automatically adjust the end time
- The status of the Appointment is Open. Once saved, the Appointment status will become scheduled.
Appointments can then be seen directly within the Timeline.
Click on the Open Record icon.
From here you can make amendments to the Appointment and send the Appointment details to the contact by clicking on either Email Candidate or Email contacts/clients. Once the Email has been sent this will appear on the contact's timeline.
NOTE: Any changes to the Appointment will trigger an email to the contact in the Required field.