

Info Records in Mercury are otherwise known as Leads. They can be created for capturing any potential Vacancies by storing data for any Vacancies that could potentially be coming to you. You can create an Info record with some general details about the Vacancy and then convert that record into a Vacancy if the Lead does indeed become reality.  


Home > Sitemap > Info > +New


1. In order to create an Info Record you'll need to click on the Info focus and then click +New:



2. Complete the mandatory fields required by your organisation and click Save & Close:



3. Your Info record will now be visible at the top of the list and available if the Vacancy does indeed come your way:   

4. You can also create the Info records using the Quick Create feature:

NOTE: You can add activities and notes to the Timeline. If you know there is a good time to make contact about the Info, create a Task. It will put the Info as the Regarding field and not only go into your list of Activities, but also into your Outlook!


Converting an Info

1. If you are successful at winning the business and have a confirmed Vacancy to work on, click the Convert button in the top ribbon menu:


2. Your Info record will convert into a Vacancy record which will be listed in the Vacancies section of the Info record:

3. On the Vacancy it will show that the Vacancy has been converted from an Info:


4. Clicking on the Name in the Converted From field will take you back to the Info record. Because the Info record has been converted, it automatically deactivates with a status of Converted.


If an Info is no longer required

If there is no requirement or a long time has passed, use the Deactivate button on the top ribbon menu to close down the Info record:

Select a reason why the lead conversion was not successful:

This can then be used for reporting.