Candidates have the right to request a copy of their data from the system at any time. Mercury allows you to track/log those requests. If a candidate makes a data request navigate to their Contact Record.
Click on Data Request :

The Quick Create Consent change form will open, and will default the Subject, Regarding, and Effective date/time fields. If needed you can change the Effective date/time fields, then click Save and Close.

After you've saved, at the bottom of the screen you'll be notified via a pop-up message that the changes have been saved.

You'll then be given the opportunity to click View Record which will take you to the Further Information tab where the Data Request fields are located.

Don't worry if you miss the pop-up message - just click the Further Information tab and you'll see the Data Request fields:

The Data Request Received date will be populated with the date entered on the Quick Consent form, and the Data Request Due Date is automatically set for 48 hours after the Request Received Date. 

Timeline Audit Trail

When a Data Request has been submitted by either a candidate or a contact, you will be able to see the following information on their record:

An Activity Record will be present for the Data Request:

If you click Further Information you will see the Data Request section.
The Data Request Received date will be populated with the date entered on the Quick Consent form, and the Data Request Due Date is automatically set for 48 hours after the Request Received Date. 

NOTE: The Due date can be pre-set to any time period. Please liaise with your CSM if you wish for this to be changed.

NOTE: Users with the Mercury - Data Protection Officer security role now have the ability to manually amend Data Request Received, Data Request Due, Data Removal Requested and Data Removal Due. Those fields will still be locked for users with the Mercury - Recruiter role.

Actioning the Data Request

The action of submitting the Quick Create Consent change form has now added as an Activity with a Due Date for the user(s) in your organisation that has been elected to monitor Data Requests and Removals. A specific role with permissions are given to those selected, which gives them access to the Data Protection Dashboard.

Providing data is a manual process. There is the option of screen shots but the easiest way to collect data and send it in one form is to create a Word Template. This will be something that needs to be actioned by your System Administrator. The outcome will be that from within the contact record, a word template can be selected that will contain all of the required merge fields, that will provide the contacts data.

Navigate to the top ribbon and select the ellipsis:

Click on the arrow. It will then list any company generic templates or personal templates:

Select the template. It will download into a word document. This can then be saved and attached and sent out to the contact.

Confirming the Data has been sent

From there the Further Information tab on the contact record, complete the field in the Contact record will remove the outstanding Activity from the Data Protection dashboard. 
If you feel you should have visibility to this Dashboard or are unsure who that user is in your organisation, please contact your System Administrator.