To build a chart from a List View, navigate to the List View and from the top of the page select Show Chart

On doing so, you will find system charts that have been created for you. To create your own, click on the ... and click +New

Configure your chart to show the information you need by populating the axis with field types, such as Candidate Source. The legend axis is the Count and the horizontal axis is the Category.

This Chart has been populated to show the amount of Candidates that were registered last month and from what source. The legend axis is a Count of Candidates and the horizontal shows the Category of Sources for each Candidate.

After you have created your Chart, you can change the type of view it displays. Select the Chart icon and choose how you want your Chart to display.

This Chart is going to be displayed as a Pie Chart.
Once you are happy, save your chart and Close.

Save and Share

In order for other colleagues to see your Chart, you will need to share it. Share your Chart by clicking on the extended menu option '...' and selecting Share.
Choose who you're sharing your Chart with and what editing rights they should have.