
Cloning a Vacancy

If you need to clone a Vacancy, select the Vacancy you'd like to clone or copy. Look for the Clone button on the top ribbon : 
You will be asked if you are sure you'd like to clone the Vacancy - if yes, click OK.
After the Vacancy has been cloned, you'll see a pop-up message at the bottom of your screen.
Click View Record and you'll be taken into the cloned vacancy. 

NOTE: This pop-up message will disappear after a few seconds. If you missed it and were not able to click View Record, don't worry, just click on the Vacancies tab on the left hand menu and you'll find it in your list.
You'll notice once in the cloned vacancy, that all of the data has copied over with the exception of any Timeline Activities or Candidates.
The cloned Vacancy will have a new/different Vacancy Ref number and the Status will have changed if your original Vacancy had Candidates.  



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