

Interview feedback can be recorded from the Shortlist.


You can access this from the Contact record, Vacancy record or from the Shortlist record itself.


In this example we are accessing the Shortlist from the Contact record.

1. Click Contacts > Find the Contact and click on the Contact name > click As a Candidate.

2. In the Shortlists section, click to put a check next to the appropriate Shortlist > click the ellipsis > click Edit or double-click on the appropriate Shortlist: 

3. Once within a Candidate record, feedback can be added via the Add Feedback option:

4. From this option, a side-window will open up allowing users to add any feedback relevant to their shortlisted Candidate:

5. Complete the fields as trained by your organisation > click Save & Close when finished:


6. You'll notice the Latest Feedback field has been filled in. Click Save & Close when you are done with the Contact record: 


7. Below is showing the same Shortlist, but instead, directly from the Shortlists menu rather than the Contact record. By double-clicking on the Candidate line, the Shortlist record will open up and allow you to enter the appropriate feedback. 


8. Below is showing the Shortlist from the Vacancy. Click on the Candidates tab > double-click on the Candidate Shortlist you'd like to provide feedback on:


9. Bulk feedback can be added via a Vacancy which can then be applied to multiple Candidates. This can be done by going to Vacancy > Candidates > Show As > Editable Grid:



10. From here you will be able to add feedback via the Latest Feedback section:

11. Once comments have been added, you will need to click on Save which will then update the Feedback area:

12. The feedback has now been added to the Candidate's record:

13. Also, the Candidate’s shortlist record will update with the feedback that has been added: