
To post a job to Broadbean navigate to the Vacancy you wish to advertise.

Ensure all the details on the Vacancy record are correct including the Financials and Job Description as these values will be pulled into the advert automatically.

Click on Advertise Vacancy


Choose the Advert Owner from the list:


Click on Post advert.

You will find a list of job boards which are integrated with your account.  Choose which Job Boards you would like to advertise on and click Continue.


The content of your job advert will auto-populate in Broadbean from the details recorded within your Vacancy.  

The contents of the Job Description field will auto-populate in your job advert, saving you the time of re-typing it out. This also ensures you have a copy on the Job Description within Mercury.  

Complete the details of your advert and click Continue. You'll notice the requirements from your vacancy have pre-populated on this form.


Once you have entered all the required details,  click on Continue, you will be asked to confirm the details of your job advert and click Send Advert.