
All records can be deactivated or activated in Mercury. This can be actioned by anyone who has access to the system.


Please do not deactivate a placement on the same day as it ends. Workflows in Mercury run overnight to update status's of candidates and placements who have ended the day before. A deactivated record can't be updated. Please leave at least 1 clear day between end date and deactivating.

Deactivating a Placement

There a number of reasons that a Placement needs to deactivated. These include it being Cancelled, Terminated or Completed.

The icon is on the top tool bar of each record. Click on Deactivate:

The following window will appear:

From the Status field, select the reason the Placement is being deactivated:

Click on the Deactivate button at the bottom of the window to finalise the action.

Deactivated/Inactive Placements

When a record has been deactivated it will become read-only. This means that no actions can be run from the record and it can no longer be edited.

As soon as this action is run, the Deactivate icon is replaced with the Activate icon.

See below the Read Only banner and the new Activate icon:

If a Placement has been deactivated in error or something needs to be amended on the record, use the Activate button.

NOTE: When a record is deactivated, it can no longer be found when using the search option at the top of the system. This search only shows active records. 

The best way to find deactivated records is to search via the Placement menu. Within the Search this View field, it will search both active and deactivated records. 

The Inactive Placements view specifically shows all of the deactivated Placements. This can be used for reporting purposes. To see both active and inactive Placements, look at the All Placements view.


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