

Changing a Candidate's Shortlists Status is how to progress Candidate(s) through the process. 


From any Shortlist, changing a status can be done individually or in bulk from any Shortlist view, or individually from inside the Shortlist record.


1. Click next to one or multiple Candidate names > Click Progress Candidate(s) > Choose the desired option:


2. Submit - choosing Submit will open a pop-up window, giving you the option to complete a submission form. If you click Save & Close only the Status is updated: 


3. Choosing Send CVs by Email will open another pop-up window requiring you to complete the email as directed by your organisation: 


4. Either method used will update the status to Submitted:


5. Client Shortlist is used to mark as a potential Candidate the Client would like to meet with, or one they have provided good feedback on:


6. Choosing this simply updates the Shortlist status:


7. Interview status is used to schedule an Interview. This status is used for all rounds of interviews. It can be used as many times as needed. Choosing Interview opens a pop-up window containing the required fields to send an interview invite:


8. Complete the required fields as required by your organisation, then click Save & Close when finished: 


9. The Status is updated based on the Interview Stage selected. Interview Details are also now available on the General tab of the Shortlist. If more interviews are required, follow the same steps as just taken as many times as needed:


10. Offer Made generates an offer to the Candidate. In this example, from inside the Shortlist, Offer Made was selected from the Progress Candidate button, opening a pop-up window with the required fields:


11. Clicking Save & Close will close the pop-up window and update the status of the Candidate inside the Shortlist record: 


12. As well as on the List View:


13. Accept Offer - accepting an Offer status is going to look to create a Placement off of the Vacancy: 


14. A pop-up window will open that could be different based on your organisation's preferences. You may be required to add Standard Rates or be notified that the Candidate has not been in the Offer Made status yet: 



15. When prompted to click Next from the first pop-up seen, you'll be shown the message below. Clicking Yes will automatically create a Placement record: 



16. The Status will then be updated once the Placement creation has been completed:


17. Reject - the Reject status is used when then a Candidate is no longer in consideration for the Vacancy. A pop-up window will open and should be completed as required by your organisation:


18. Click Save and Close will inactivate the Shortlist record and remove it from your list of active Shortlisted Candidates: