
A list of terms used within the Mercury software, Recruitment businesses and associated Technologies


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Active Candidate A candidate who is actively looking for a role.

Activities The key view to focus on is the default view, named My Activities. This will display any activities you have open/incomplete. Examples include phone calls, draft emails, tasks, updates and appointments.

Agile A project management methodology commonly used in software development.

Aggregator A website or computer program that collects information from a variety of internet pages, and presents it all onto a single web page or collection of pages on a single website, allowing the reader to focus on specific types of content.

Agreements A method of creating terms and applying them to Vacancies and/or Placements. They can be generic or client specific. They could be used purely to outline terms of business, or to add a pre-agreed rate or fee on a vacancy, or they can be used to detail the compliance required against a Placement, or a combination of these.

AI Artificial Intelligence - refers to computer systems capable of performing complex tasks by simulating human intelligence processes. AI applies advanced analysis and logic-based techniques, including machine learning and natural language processing, to interpret events, support and automate decisions, and take actions.

Applicant A candidate that has been sent to a contact with the hope of arranging an interview.

Applicants A list of candidates who have applied to adverts made from Mercury via a Job Board integration. A list of candidates who have applied to adverts posted through Mercury to a multi-Job poster or from a website integration.

ARR Annual Recurring Revenue.

Assign This is used to change the ownership of a record.

ATS Applicant Tracking System - a system that allows recruiters and employers to track Candidates through the whole recruiting and hiring process

AWLI Apply With LinkedIn - a term used for a method of applying for a job vacancy.

AWR Agency Worker Regulations - a framework that protects temporary agency workers. The regulation provides certain rights for temporary workers.

Azure A cloud computing service operated by Microsoft.


BD Business Development - identifying and acquiring new clients and building strong relationships with them.

BI Business Intelligence - a term used for tools, processes and infrastructure that a business can use to make more effective decisions.

Boolean Search A search that allows users to combine key words such as AND and NOT. For example, you may wish to search for a candidate that has experience in “recruitment” AND “sales”.



CAC Customer Acquisition Cost.

CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate.

Candidate The person who is applying for a role and who you are looking to place.

Candidate Company The company that the candidate works through if they are a contractor.

Candidate Portal An online portal that allows candidates to access and apply for vacancies within a business.

Chatbot A computer program that simulates human conversation - written or spoken.

Client The company giving you their business.

CMRR Committed Monthly Recurring Revenue.

Compliance Legal, rules and regulations.

Configurable Capable of being configured or customised; permitting rearrangement or adjustment of something, typically within a software application.

Contact The hiring manager or person who works for the Client is referred to as the Contact.

Contingency Recruitment A type of recruitment whereby if the recruiter does not place the candidate who the business hires, then the recruiter does not get paid.

Consultant The recruiter and main CRM user who works the roles that Hiring Managers want filling.

CRM Customer Relationship Management - a technology used to manage interactions with customers and potential customers. A system that helps organisations build customer relationships and streamline processes so they can increase sales, improve customer service and increase profitability. Software that allows businesses to manage their customer database and generate new leads.

CSAT Customer Satisfaction Score - measures how satisfied a customer is with a particular area or activity of your business.

CV A candidate's résumé.



Dashboards A visual display of all of your CRM/ATS data - a collection of on-screen tiles displaying views or graphs/charts. You would refer to a dashboard for an overview of Vacancies, Hires, Interviews, Placements, KPIs, etc. They help drive your business, teams or individuals, to focus on key areas. There are a number of standard dashboards in Mercury, and new customised ones can also be built as required.

Data Migration The process of moving data from one system to another.

Data Request A candidate or contact may wish to have a copy of the data that you hold on them; they are able to notify you of this via a Data Request.

Data Removal Request A candidate or contact may wish to have the data that you hold on them removed; they are able to notify you of this via a Data Removal Request.

Daxtra Additional software that allows the parsing of Candidate CVs and searching for Candidates via Job Boards. Offers CV and job parsing, semantic searching, matching and aggregation technologies.

Deactivate A feature in the Mercury software which will archive a record. The record immediately becomes read-only and comes off all the Active Views.  It is not a delete function and any record which has been deactivated immediately has the Deactivate button replaced with an Activate button.

Dynamics 365 CRM software made by Microsoft which powers Mercury.



Email Editor This is the name of Mercury's built-in email function.

E-Shots Also known as Spec Sends - the process of sending details to Clients of potentially suitable Candidates.



Fees A fee or a cost can be added against a Placement, a Vacancy or a Client record. This can then be captured for financial reporting.

Fixed Term Contract An employment agreement between the employer and the employee that lasts for a specified amount of time. The employee is not a permanent employee and therefore doesn’t have the rights that a permanent employee does.

Front-end The UI - the User Interface.



GDPR General Data Protection Regulation.

GP Gross Profit.

GUID Globally Unique Identifier - used in the back-end of a software solution to uniquely identify individual entities within a system.



Headhunter A person who approaches individuals who meet specific job requirements. A headhunter is different to a recruiter.

Hiring Manager The contact on the Client side who has a vacancy for the role they want filling. The person at the Client site who is in charge of making the decision regarding the hiring of Candidates.

Home Takes you to the Dashboards page in Mercury.

Hotlists This feature allows you to build as many different lists of key contacts as desired. Client contacts and candidates can be added to the same list, between which you can toggle from within the hotlist. Bulk emails can be sent, searches can be run, and hotlists can even be shared to colleagues. Contacts can also be removed from your hotlists when you need to.



iFrame An HTML document that is embedded inside another document on a website.

Instant Messaging Text-based communication done via computer or mobile device. Can be with a single person or a group chat.

Info Vacancy leads in Mercury.

Info Shortlists Lists of Candidates who are suitable for a potential Vacancy or Lead that you’re working on, If the Info (Lead) gets converted into a Vacancy, then the shortlisted candidate on the Info Shortlist record will be added to the Candidates area in the Vacancy record.

Integration Software integration is the process of connecting one software application with another, typically through their application programming interfaces (APIs). Once connected, the applications can link respective functionality with each other, and can also share data and provide updates to one another in, or near, real-time.

IR35 An employment rule which ensures that off-payroll and on-payroll workers are taxed fairly.


Job Board A type of search engine that displays job openings. Recruiters and businesses post their Vacancies onto a job board and Candidates search the boards for jobs that they would like to apply for.

Job Description/Specification A document that details the job role, job location, requirements and expectations.



KPI Key Performance Indicator - a quantifiable measure of performance and time for a specific task or set of activities. KPIs provide targets for teams to strive to achieve.



Lead Is what can be gained by asking lots of questions to lots of different potential Candidates. An example would be finding out if they have had any other interviews, which would  give you a ‘lead’ in finding out what other companies are recruiting for. Leads can give you possible opportunities.

LinkedIn A social media platform dedicated to the global networking of businesses and professionals.

LTV Lifetime Value - a prediction of the net profit attributed to an ongoing relationship between a customer and a product.



Machine Learning A type of Artificial Intelligence that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Mail Merge Fields Mail merging lets you create a batch of documents that are personalised for each recipient. For example, a letter can be personalised to address each recipient by name. A data source like a list, spreadsheet or database, is associated with the document. Once you have a data source connected to your document, adding merge fields is a way to personalise the document with information from the data source. The merge fields come from the column headings in the data source.

Mailshots A form of direct marketing. Used to contact a large number or group of customers at one time, via email or post.

Master Vendor A single recruitment agency that has full responsibility for the supplying and staffing for a business/client.

Mercury Search An internal search enabling you to run searches across any contact records stored in your Mercury database. You’re able to save searches, shortlist candidates from searches and generate Hotlists.

MRR Monthly Recurring Revenue.

MSP Managed Service Provider. An MSP delivers services such as network, application, infrastructure and security via regular ongoing support.

Multi-poster Job board multi-posters allow Recruiters to post multiple job adverts to multiple job boards and websites all at once. Examples of multi-poster solutions are Broadbean, Logic Melon and Idibu.


NPS Net Promoter Score - measures overall customer loyalty towards your brand. A customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement that is taken to determine how happy they are with the service.

NRR Non Recurring Revenue.



Office 365 A suite of Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams and Outlook.

On-Premise Onsite or at the location of a building.

Outlook Microsoft Outlook - send and receive emails, calendar management and storing contact names and numbers.



Parse To Parse a CV is to analyse the CV in order to bring information from it into your CRM.

Parsing/CV Parsing Taking data out of a CV and parsing into a structured, machine readable format.

Passive Candidate Candidates who are not actively looking for a new role.

Payroll Software A software solution used to pay salaries to employees.

Perm A permanent employee.

Pinned A method of securing certain items, such that they are always visible for quick single-click access.

Placements The assignments - when a Candidate has been offered a role and has accepted.

PSL Preferred Supplier List. Some companies have a PSL whereby they will release new vacancies to agencies who are on their PSL.



Recent Your personal history of the last 10 items that you have selected in Mercury.

Remote Access The ability to access a computer or device from another device at any time and from anywhere. 

Retained Recruitment A type of recruitment performed for a company by a recruitment agency on a retained, ongoing basis.

Right to Work A document issued by the Home Office to indicate that the person is permitted to stay and work in the UK.

RPO Recruitment Process Outsourcing - when a company gives all or most of its recruitment to an external recruitment agency.

RSC Recruiter System Connect - integration between LinkedIn and the Mercury CRM to facilitate the hiring process.

Runner An individual who is actively working in a Contract role. A person with a Temporary or Contract Placement that is currently live. They would cease to be an active Runner at the end of that Contract/Temporary position. 



SAAS Software as a Service - a software licensing and delivery model that delivers via the Cloud.

Scrum A project management framework for Agile software development.

Share This does not run any action in Mercury because data is already open to users of the system. It can be used when there is any segregated data.

SharePoint A Microsoft application that is used to store and share things centrally within an organisation - e.g. a business may have a SharePoint location that lists all of their employees, policies & procedures, standard documents, upcoming events, company news and other information.

Shortlist A list of candidates that you have deemed suitable for a vacancy. It is a record which shows the audit trail of all the shortlist actions against a specific candidate for one specific vacancy. It is incredibly important when it comes to activity reporting and has helpful Views, such as lists of candidates currently at interview or offer stage, or simply a list of all the candidates you have currently listed against a vacancy.

SLA Service Level Agreement - a document between the service provider and the customer that outlines the expected level of service.

Spec Sends Also sometimes referred to as E-Shots. A list of all the Candidates that you've spec’d over to your Clients. For this to be recorded, the Email function in Mercury must be used, and the Spec Send button on the Email Editor must be selected.

SSO Single Sign On - a technology that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites.

Staged Fees As an example, particularly in Permanent recruitment, a Candidate gets placed by the recruitment agency. The agency gets a fee for finding that Candidate, which is a percentage of the Candidate's salary - this is paid at the end of the recruitment process, once the Candidate starts their Placement. Staged Fees is when the agency gets a fee up front before they have even started working on the Vacancy. The most common Agreement is a third of the total fee up front (the Retainer),  another third once the Recruiter has provided a Shortlist of Candidates, and the final third once the Candidate has been placed. The fees in Mercury can be added to the Vacancy, and listed so the Recruiter knows when they are due and if they have been received. You can also build an Agreement that lists all the agreed Fees, that then automatically pull over onto the Vacancy record in Mercury.

Statement of Work A detailed document containing approach, support, costs and timelines.



Talent Acquisition The role and skill of identifying, attracting, selecting and retaining highly qualified individuals.

Talent Pool A database of Candidates that have the potential to meet a company's recruitment needs.

Teams A chat-based workspace from Microsoft that combines instant messaging, video calling, voice calling and file sharing. Works with all other Microsoft Office applications.

Tech Stack A set of technologies and software solutions that an organisation uses to build a web or mobile application.

Temp A temporary employee.

Temp-to-Perm A temporary placement that could lead to a permanent employment contract.

Timeline A list of all communication and activities related to a record will be shown on the Timeline.

Timesheet Processing The processing of a worker's timesheet in order to provide them with remuneration.



UI User Interface. The point of human-to-computer interaction and communication on any desktop, laptop or mobile device.

UX User Experience. A design process who’s objective is to create a system that offers an intuitive and delightful user experience for the customer.



Vacancies These are the available job roles to be filled. They can also be Opportunities, where there are speculative vacancies - not leads, but vacancies that are expected but not confirmed.

Views A view is simply an on-screen table display of data rows and columns within any Mercury menu.

Authored by Tony Giaracuni - Community & Knowledge Base Manager @ Mercury

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