

Financial Transactions can be added and viewed on a Project. They play a huge part in the over arching Project costs and Project Revenue totals. Financial Transactions are automatically created from any completed timesheets, expenses or fees. They are an important record for the financial calculations on the a Project.  They can be easily viewed within the Project record. In addition, existing ones linked to the Client can also be added. 


Home > Projects > Click into a Project > click Financial Transactions tab to view current Financial Transactions or click on Add Existing Financial Transaction to add existing ones


Viewing Financial Transactions

To view any current Financial Transactions on a Project, begin with going to the Projects item on the site map and selecting the correct Project:


Click onto the Financial Transactions tab. Any existing Financial Transactions will be listed:


Adding Existing Financial Transactions

To add an existing FT the existing FT must be linked to the same Client associated with the Project.

Click on Add Existing Financial Transaction:

Click on the magnifying glass icon to see a list of all FTs linked to the Client that owns the Project. Multiple FTs can be added simply click on the FTs you wish to add.

Alternatively to pick a specific FT, type the FT number to find the record.



The below displays how the FTs affect the Project calculations:

1. Achieved Project Revenue: Sum of the Charge (net) from the Financial Transactions associated to the Project.

2. Click on the calculator icon displayed below number 1 and then click on the recalculate button to update the total.

3. Current Project Costs: Sum of the Pay (net) from the Financial Transactions associated to the Project.

4. Click on the calculator icon displayed below number 3 and then click on the recalculate button to update the total.

5. Calculation of the Achieved Project Revenue minus Current Project Costs.