

New functionality allows the ability to progress candidates within an Info shortlist record from the Info Record, in a very similar way to the progression of a candidate within a shortlist record.  Candidates will only be able to progress to the following stages: Submit, Client Shortlist & Reject. This can be actioned by ticking the desired Info Shortlist and clicking a button to select a new Info Shortlist status.


Home > Info > select your View > select Info record > select (tick) desired Info Shortlist > click the Progress Candidate button > select desired Info Shortlist status


To progress a candidate within an Info Shortlist, ensure you in the Info Record itself. Select the desired Info Shortlist record by ticking the record :


Once the desired record is selected, click on the Progress Candidate button to select a new Info Shortlist status and progress the Candidate :

The Progress Candidate button will reveal a new menu, allowing you to select from one of the following statuses :

The selection of each of these will have a slightly different behaviour. 


Selection of the Submitted option will enable the following pop-up form :

This allows the user to select and send a CV from the candidate’s CV document folder and send this CV by email.  Save & Close will send no email but will update the Status Reason of the Info Shortlist record that this action has happened outside of the system. Cancel will close the pop-up form and take no further action.

To send CVs by Email select the desired CV from the CV options drop menu. This will show all CVs that are stored against that candidate record, in the Candidate’s Document folder. If the candidate has no CVs then this will appear blank.  A CV can be added manually in the email editor window below :

Once the CV is selected, and the Send CVs by Email button is click, the action will be to close the pop-up form, and to open the email editor window allowing the user to compose an email or select from an email template as per standard email template functionality.  Note, the selected CV will appear as an attachment in this window :

The Save & Close button will not open the email editor window as above.  It will close the pop-up form and update the Status Reason of the Info Shortlist record 

The Cancel button will close the pop-up form but perform no other action.

The Send CVs by Email and the Save & Close buttons will both update the Status Reason of the selected Info Shortlist record to Submitted, and also update the Submitted field to today’s date :


Client Shortlisted

Selection of the Client Shortlisted option from the Progress Candidate button will update the Status Reason to Client Shortlisted, and add today’s date to the Client Shortlisted field. No other action will be performed.



Selection of the Rejected option from the Progress Candidate button will pop-up a Confirm reject reason(s) form.  In this form the user can add a reject comment in the Comment field. This is a free text comment so can allow any text that is desired to be added.  Once all reasons have been added, the user should click the Save & Close button :

This will update the Status Reason to Rejected, and add today’s date to the Rejected field :

Clicking the Cancel button will close the pop-up form and perform no other action :

NOTE: If you have and select multiple Info Shortlist records, the above actions can all be performed on multiple records at once.