

Fields such as Last Contacted, Last Called and Last Emailed are displayed throughout Mercury within the key records; more prominently within a contact record. If a contact is updated and they are linked to a client record, it will update the fields on the linked Client. It is invaluable within Mercury, giving recruiters the information they need to restart communications.

Last Contacted should be a true reflection of when that individual was contacted and mailshots should not contribute towards this. We have therefore removed Sales or Marketing emails from contributing towards Last Contacted.


Home > Contacts > select your View > select a Contact record > General tab  > scroll to the bottom left hand side of the page.
Home > Clients > select your View > select a Client record > General tab  > scroll and view the right hand side of the page.
Home > Info > select your View > select and Info record > scroll to the bottom left hand side of the page.


For the example, we will use a Contact record:

When sending a Sales Email within Mercury, this will no longer update Last Contacted on the Candidate record. Sales Emails in Mercury are:

  • Emails sent from Mercury Search

  • Emails with an email template that has been marked as a Sales email

  • Any emails sent from Email Editor as Multiple

Great news! If you want to report on Sales Emails which are sent via the above methods, we have created new display fields especially with this in mind: