

LinkedIn RSC is an integration built between LinkedIn and Mercury and can be enabled by Mercury following a request to your Customer Success Manager. The LinkedIn RSC integration is supported by Mercury.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is an integration between LinkedIn and Microsoft Dynamics and isn't supported by Mercury. 


In order to use Sales Navigator, uses will need a suitable licence > Sales Navigator Licences


Feature LinkedIn Sales Navigator LinkedIn Recruiter
View LinkedIn Profile in Mercury Yes Yes
See whether contact is linked to Mercury Contact Yes Yes
Open linked record from LinkedIn or Mercury Yes Yes
Synchronise InMails/Messages to Mercury Yes (1) Yes
Send InMails from Mercury Yes No
Export people to Vacancies in Mercury No Yes
Create Contacts in Mercury Yes (2) No
Synchronise Notes to Mercury Yes Yes
View Mercury data in LinkedIn No Yes
View Applicant history No Yes
Bring contact data into Mercury No Yes (3)
‘Data Validation’: Show contacts not at company Yes (2) No

(1) - Optional for user
(2) - Requires Enterprise
(3) - Contact details have to be agreed by the candidate to share

Enabling LinkedIn Sales Navigator

For customers who would like to utilise LinkedIn Sales Navigator, the following guide from Microsoft provides details of how your administrator can deploy the solution > Installing Sales Navigator

As Sales Navigator is built to work using the standard Microsoft Dynamics contact form, you will need to speak to your CSM to request this be made visible for your users. Users using Sales Navigator will need to change contact form from the Mercury contact form to the standard Dynamics form in order to use Sales Navigator. This is a simple one click on your contact form to alternate between the two forms.