

Within Mercury you can retrieve Candidates on existing Vacancies and attach them to new Vacancies. This allows for Candidates that have been deemed suitable for a different role to be easily accessed and considered for new positions.  This will benefit current and future Vacancies, as whatever the current pool of Candidates happens to be at any point in time, it can subsequently be accessed whenever needed.


Home > Sitemap > Vacancies > Select desired View > Click the Vacancy record > Candidates tab > Search > Mercury Legacy Search > Input the Vacancy Reference Number of an existing Vacancy > Click the magnifying glass to return the Candidates

NOTE: Please be aware of the Vacancy ID that is used. If the results generate no Candidates, then this indicates that the Vacancy ID that was used does not have any Candidates.

NOTE: You can also search Vacancies that are Inactive, therefore allowing an expanded pool of potential Candidates to be reviewed.


1. Access Vacancies and select a valid record. For this example we will select PR/000102:


2. Once in the record, access the Candidates tab to see which Candidates are currently linked to the Vacancy:

3. Once the page has loaded, access Mercury Legacy Search via the Search button in the ribbon menu at the top of the screen:


3. In the following window, you will be able to input the Vacancy ID - in this example we have used PR/000118 which you can see in the first screenshot above, and is an Inactive Vacancy:

4. In the above screenshot, the Vacancy record can be seen as an option to select:

5. Once you've clicked on the magnifying glass, the table of results will update with Shortlisted Candidates from that record:

6. From here you will be able view Candidate CVs, send Emails, log Phone Calls and much more. You can also save the search which you can then use at a later date.