
What is the issue?

Running Mercury Legacy Search from the Vacancy entity, without first going into an actual Vacancy record, an error appears when attempting to send emails:
An error occurred communicating with CRM while fetching details of the 'regarding' records.

Where is it happening?

Home > Vacancies > Search > Mercury Legacy Search > Enter a search item or just click on the magnifying glass > Tick at least one displayed record > Click one of the Email icons

How does the issue manifest itself?

The screenshot below demonstrates how the error occurs:


Why does the error occur?

When running Mercury Search from the Vacancy entity, the Email Editor is expecting a Regarding value connected to a specific Vacancy.

What should I do?

If emailing about a Vacancy

Open the Vacancy record itself first, then activate Mercury Legacy Search, and proceed as normal.

If sending a generic email

Do this from the Contacts focus instead, and then open Mercury Legacy Search.


What are Mercury doing about this?

The Mercury Legacy Search button was previously not available in the Vacancies entity, without first going into an existing Vacancy record. The issue appears to have been introduced with the version 24 update. The issue has been logged with our Product and Development teams, requesting for the Mercury Search button to only appear after an actual record is selected, to avoid confusion.

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