

How to add and edit a user on Daxtra Capture and the different privileges that can be assigned. 

NOTE: This article is for System Administrators only.


Daxtra Parser software integration with Mercury.


NOTE: This article is for System Administrators only.

Mercury Support will always be an Administrator of your Daxtra Capture system, this is because there are aspects of the system that are quite sensitive, and if the wrong action is taken, then it could cause severe integrity issues with your data. Your Daxtra Administrators will have admin rights, but not all. Adding another user with a login to Daxtra is beneficial because you will be able to see which users have validated which CVs. 

1. Click the Admin tab:

2. Click on Add Daxtra users:

3. In the following screen you are able to assign the appropriate permissions the user is able to have:

Validator (Basic) able to validate CVs one by one. No bulk actions. 

Validator able to perform all non-destructive bulk actions (nothing involving deleting data from the DB).

Validator (Power) able to perform all bulk actions, but no admin functionality.

Adminstrator Total system control, all access, no restrictions.

Administrator (Limited)  All admin access, no validation-related access. 

4. Assign the preferred permission - for the Username any spaces must be denoted with a "_" eg. Test_Account. 

5. Click Add and the next screen will appear:

6. A password will be assigned as shown above. The clipboard will copy the password to your computer's clipboard. It will be in plain text. 

7. You are also able to edit a user's permission by going into Admin > Edit Daxtra Users:

8. Change the permission of the user and then click Save changes

9. Passwords can also be reset in this screen. When selected, this pop-up box will appear:

10. Click OK and the next screen will appear:

11. You can also delete users. This pop-up box will appear: 

This will remove the User from the Daxtra Capture Instance.