

This article explains the purpose of what the Tracking Table function does within Mercury.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Daxtra Parser software integration with Mercury.


Every time a Candidate is parsed through Mercury,  the Latest Source will be populated with the name of the appropriate Job Board. This is mainly used with the Ad Response spool where a Candidate has applied for a job advertised on a job board. Integrations with job board products such as Broadbean and LogicMelon allow users to advertise their Vacancies via external job posts.

If the Latest Source is not being populated, then there are a couple of checks a user can do. 

1. As a Sys Admin, log into Daxtra Capture and head into the Admin tab and navigate to Tracking Tables:

2. You will then see this screen. Click on the Source > Edit button:

3. You will then see this screen:

The above shows a list of Job boards through which Candidates could potentially be applying for jobs. The Name column describes the name of the Job Board. JBID is the link between Broadbean and Daxtra. The Subject column refers to the subject of the email. ID is the link between Daxtra and Mercury.
Please note that these details are case-sensitive.

Mercury Support will always keep ID and JBID the same, as this ensures accuracy of the job board being populated. 

When a Candidate applies applies for a job (eg. through this will send an email to the Ad Response email account where Daxtra will pick it up and process it. It will look at the Subject of the email, and if it contains 'Indeed' it will establish that the Candidate has applied through 

4. From the Mercury sitemap, navigate to the Support menu in the bottom left of the screen, and click on Sources. Again, this privileged access for Sys Admins only. 

5. Here, users must have the Job Board created and ensure that the link between Daxtra and Mercury is active. You can create a source by clicking +New or by finding the appropriate Source, in this case Indeed: 

6. As you can see, the Daxtra code is IND. This must match the code in the Daxtra ID column, so must contain the same IND value - see below:

Users can also edit or delete Job Boards, as required. 

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