

Within Mercury there can be times when certain sections of a form appear too narrow to fit on a page, or you wish you could see more content without having to mess around with screen resolution settings or web page sizing. A great technique to expand and reveal more content, is to open a separate tab of information using the Related function. In this article we will show you how the Info Shortlists section, for example, that appears within an Info Record, can be better utilised, making your Mercury experience even better!


ANY new or existing form in Mercury!
The menu route used for the example below however, is Home > Info > Select a View & Record > General > Related > Info Shortlists


1. On a Info Record, the Info Shortlists dialog box can be quite small on the General page:


2. A useful way to maximize this section is to click the Related tab and then select Info Shortlists:


3. This will then open an Info Shortlists tab that clearly displays key Candidate information:


And that's it! So simple, and so effective.

Using the Related tab will save you time by enabling you to instantly access lots of other data, without having to change any screen display settings or create other views. It allows you to stay within the same record, thereby making you more efficient when working with and processing your Info Records in the example above, and indeed ANY other records within your Mercury CRM.