

This article explains what the Daxtra Search module is, and what it's used for. 

Daxtra Search is a tool that is integrated with Mercury. It allows Recruiters to search for CVs via Job Boards, and specifically the ability to search against different criteria to help recruit the best possible Candidates. It offers a simpler way of sifting through CVs, identifying correct CVs, and efficiently shortlisting them directly into your Mercury CRM. By returning results based on very specific search criteria, Recruiters are able to review and compare instantly. CVs can be downloaded immediately, searches can be saved and re-run at any time (otherwise known as Watchdogs), and searches can even be made to run overnight so that the results of the searches are ready for review first thing the following morning. 


Home > Contacts > Find Candidates


To access Daxtra Search, log into Mercury and navigate to Contacts from the sitemap over in the far left side-panel, and then click on Find Candidates from the top ribbon menu:

A pop-up window will then appear > NOTE: You must have Pop-ups enabled in your web browser.

You will automatically be logged into Daxtra Search > NOTE: Your Daxtra Administrators are responsible for your logins.

The main Home page of Daxtra Search:


Key to the above screenshot as follows:


[1] Clicking on the icon indicated above at any point, will bring you back to the Home page

[2] Shows the Job Boards whose databases your business is able to search.   

[3] Displays a user's Saved Searches, Candidates who have been loaded or waiting to load, and the Admin section of Daxtra (for Daxtra Administrators and Mercury Support only). 

[4] Clicking the arrow indicated above, will open up an Advanced filter for more detailed Candidate searching.

[5] The icon indicated above will Clear your search, and also provide options to Save a search, Open a saved search, and save a Watchdog

[6] This option will show all User preferences. 


An example of a Search:


Key to the above screenshot as follows:


[1] You MUST toggle the Job Board indicated above, to ensure results are retrieved. 

[2] Here you are able to select the Distance from the location. Clicking on the flag allows you to search in a different Country

[3] Shows how recently CVs entered the database. 

[4] This section contains other Search filters - e.g. Industry, Desired Salary, Desired Languages. 

When you click Start Searching you will see the following screen:

The completed search has brought back a total of 100 results. 

Key to the above screenshot as follows:


[1] Shows the name of the Candidate and the Job Board they have applied with, depending on which Job Boards are being used and which your business is able to search across. 

[2] This feature allows you to go on the next page or jump ahead to see other Candidates.

[3] This feature enables you to do a number of things - Download a Candidate's CV, Load it to Mercury, Shortlist the Candidate directly into Mercury, or Find the Candidate in Mercury.

NOTE 1: To download Candidate CVs, you must have appropriate Tokens - your Account Manager will know more.

NOTE 2: When clicking on Shortlist or Load to Mercury, the CV is sent to the Daxtra Capture instance and will undergo the Daxtra Capture process. If there is not enough information on the CV when parsed, the Candidate will not appear in Mercury and will require a manual insert. 

[4] Use this to go back to Search, or Undo an action, or Re-do an action, and you can also Filter

[5] This feature enables you to compare two different Candidates > click on the Text box for two Candidates, then click Compare