

This article explains how to add a specific Job Board to Daxtra Search to allow Recruiters to search for Candidates via that Job Board. 

NOTE: Only users with System Administrator access will be able to perform the instructions in this article.


Home > Contacts > Find Candidates


NOTE: The following instructions can only be carried out by System Administrators. 

1. Once logged into Daxra Search, navigate to Admin

2. You will be required to sign into Daxtra Search as an Adminstrator:

3. Once logged in, click on Job Board Logins:

4. On the following screen you will see a list of all your organisation's current Job Board logins: 

Key to the example screenshot above:

1 Allows you create a new Job Board Login. 

2 Allows you to edit the selected Job Board.

3 Will verify the current credentials.

4 Will delete the Login. 

NOTE: Every Job Board is different, so for example, Monster will require a CAT code to be entered in the Password field for every user - this can be obtained from your Monster Account Manager. CV Library will require an API key to be entered in the Password field. Other Job Boards may require one account to be added for each individual user. 

It is the responsibility of your organisation's System Administrator to ensure that the credentials for each Job Board are correct. If needed, Mercury Support can help with entering the necessary details. 

5. Click the button marked with a 1 in the example screenshot above to add a new Job Board: 

Daxtra will already have a selection of Job Board names for you to choose from via the drop-down selector in the Job Board Name field. 

6. As per the specific Job Board instructions, enter the appropriate details as required.

7. Click Save. You will then be taken back to the previous page. Click on Verify (the button marked with a 3 in the example screenshot above). The following message will appear: 

8. You can then go back to the Daxtra Search homepage, where you will see the Job Board just added and to be able to search with: