

When a Placement is extended it is important to note that if an Agreement is inactive then the extended Placement will no longer contain the Agreement. Alongside this, if an inactive Agreement has been applied to a Vacancy, upon submitting the Vacancy to Placement stage, the inactive Agreement will be removed. This is to better ensure invalid data is not copied over into new valid occurrences. 

In the extended Placement, if a user did have an Agreement on their original Placement, then they will need to check if it has progressed over. If the Agreement field is blank, then users will either need to create a new Agreement or select an existing Agreement that has not yet expired. 

A useful way to identify if a Placement has ever been extended is to check the Engagements field located within the Placement Details section. Within the General tab there will be a section dedicated to Placements which will display all versions of a selected Placement. 


Home > Placements > Select your View > Click a Placement record > Placement Details tab > General section > Agreement field


1. For the purpose of this example, the reference number was deactivated from the Agreements section:  

2. Now this action has completed, we will run an Extension from the original Placement where the Agreement was applied. Currently, the Placement still has the Agreement applied within the Placement Details area: 




3. An Extension has then been applied to the Placement. To learn how to perform an Extension, see this article > KA-01227.    


4. Once the Placement has been extended, the new iteration of the Placement will be displayed in the Engagements field in the General Section of the Placement Details tab: 

5. Within the extended Placement, the Agreement will now show as blank, which indicates that the Agreement on the original Placement is no longer suitable for use and a new value will be needed: