

This article explains how SharePoint integration works with Mercury, where users are able to store and manage documents on the SharePoint server, enabling effective sharing of important Client and Candidate information, and cross-user collaboration within your organisation. With the appropriate permissions, users are able to directly access documents within Mercury, via the SharePoint server. 


Home > Contacts > Select View > Click into a Contact record > Click the Documents tab


1. When you create a Contact, or if a Contact is created automatically, a document location is created in SharePoint at the same time. To access SharePoint within Dynamics click on the waffle menu at the top left of the screen, and select the SharePoint app:

2. This will then bring up the main screen in SharePoint. By navigating to Site Contents within the left-side pane, you will see all the entities associated within your Microsoft Dynamics environment, which are in turn accessible via Mercury:

3. You can also access SharePoint via a Contact, Client, Vacancy or Placement record within Mercury. To do this, navigate to any of these entities in Mercury, and click on the Documents tab. Below is an example screenshot via the Contacts entity:

4. Click on the ellipsis symbol over on the far right of the Contact record page, and click Open Location

5. This will then take you to the actual SharePoint location where all the documents associated for that Contact are stored:

6. From this page, you are able to directly use the SharePoint functionality to Add documents, which will then also appear in Mercury. Downloading, Sharing and Exporting to Excel are just some of the other functions available to you here. If you use the Share or Copy Link function, you must ensure that the user you are sharing the document or document link with, has the appropriate permissions to access that link or file.