

Within Mercury, users are grouped into teams, where specific access is assigned and maintained. This function is key for securely segregating user access, so that only certain groups of users see what they need or are required to see. The benefits of grouping users into a team are the ability to control who can see certain types of data stored within Mercury, see exactly when they were assigned a particular level of access, and keep track of single points of failure, as multiple users can be assigned a security role.

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > click into the Search bar > select Search for rows in a table using advanced filters > enter Teams in the Search tables bar > Teams > Continue > window will appear displaying available Teams


1. Click into the Search bar at the top of the screen, then select the Advanced filters option:

2. Enter the word Teams into the Search tables bar then tick the Teams entry that subsequently appears. Once selected then click Continue:

3. You are now in the Teams section. Here you will be able to select from a list of different views via the filter option. When you've selected the Teams filters that you require, the available options will be displayed - i.e. dependent on the filter that is chosen, if any Teams fit that selection, then they will be displayed in the table of results:

4. Once a Team has been selected, you will then see a complete list of all the members who make up that specific team. Within the Team Members area, you can Add/Remove users with ease:

Add/Remove team members

1. To add a user to a team, click the Add Existing User option:

2. A side-bar will appear prompting you to search for a valid user. When you've selected that user/member, the Add button will appear - click it and the Team Members list will update:

3. To remove a user from the Team Members list, select their name and then click the Remove button:


Accessing a member's record

1. Select a user - you will be taken to their record. It will contain key information such as the Name of the Team they are assigned to, the Business Unit they are a part of, and other key identifiers. In this example, we will focus on the value that would be found in the field Primary Team:

2. If there is an entry in the Primary Team field, then this specific user will be assigned to a group which provides them with a determined level of access - Placement Approvals for example.

Additional information

NOTE 1: If any changes are made to the entry within the Primary Team field, it will not auto-add the user to the new team - it would need to be a separate task.

NOTE 2: Any users who are no longer part of a Team, will need to be manually removed in order to protect the integrity of the Teams data - e.g. if a report is run for a Team which contains a user who has not been removed from that Team, then any data or stats for that user would be included in the report.

NOTE 3: If a user moves to a different Team within the business, then they may gain or lose permissions according to the properties of the Team that they are moving to. So for example, if a user had access to something in particular, prior to moving Teams - e.g. access to Finance approvals - but the Team that they move to is not configured with that particular privilege, then they would no longer be able to interact with any Finance approval processes. It is therefore good practice that when a user moves Teams within the business, that their expected access is checked and updated accordingly as soon as possible in order to prevent any unauthorised levels of access and potential data breaches, allowing a seamless system experience.