

This article explains how to create a Report Template in Mercury. 

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



Home > Config > Report Templates > New


In order for Recruiters to generate Report Templates for Candidates, Client Contacts, Clients and Candidate Companies, report templates will need to be generated in the form of paperwork for Contracts or Agreements for Placements, which can then be sent directly to the Candidate. Only a System Administrator can carry out this task. 

1. Start by going to the Config menu in the bottom left hand pane, then go to Report Templates and +New:

2. Here you can create the Report Template as per the following structure: 

3. Click Save and then head into Notes section: 

4. Add the Report Template as an attachment and then click Save

5. Once the document has been added, users will be able to issue paperwork for Candidates. 

See KA-01488 for details on Merge Fields to ensure that any documents include the fields required, so that the appropriate fields are brought across to the Mercury CRM.