

This article explains how to input the appropriate merge codes into Word Documents to ensure the correct fields are brought across when generated in the Mercury CRM. 

NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



1. KA-01487 demonstrates how to add a Report Template - please see this knowledge article before proceeding with the instructions below. 

2. Below is an example screenshot of an attached document saved in Microsoft Dynamics: 

3. Opening a Report Template will typically look like this: 

4. The codes highlighted above are the fields which are brought across when a user issues Paperwork. 

5. To ensure that the correct Merge Codes are assigned, refer to the attached document at the bottom of this article which contains a full interactive list of all the possible required merge codes. Here is a sample: 

6. For Merge Code <<Candidate Address 1>> you can see that when hovering over the merge code, it displays attribute:crimson_candidateaddress1.

7. You will need to copy the appropriate Merge Code and input this into the document. 

8. Once all merge codes have been copied across, the document can then be uploaded to Mercury under Report Templates

9. When a user now issues Paperwork for a Placement with a status of Awaiting Paperwork, this will show the updated fields - see the below example Placement:

10. Click on the Issue Paperwork button as above, and then click on the To Candidate button that subsequently appears within the Issue Paperwork part of the application, as below: 

11. Select Candidate and then select the appropriate Report Template to be issued - then click Next:


12. You will then receive a confirmation message and the document will be issued under Related > Documents - see below: 

Related Attachments (1)