

This article explains how the Candidates tab is populated in a new Project record, and how the assigning of Vacancies to the Project determines what is displayed.


Home > Projects > add  New Project Record > Candidates tab


1. Click on Projects which is in the Recruitment section in the sitemap in the left panel:

2. Click on +New in the toolbar to create a new Project:

3. You will find that the Candidates tab of the new Project appears to populate the tab with all shortlisted Candidates in the system, by default: 

4. You will not be able to Progress any of the displayed Candidates, because at this point in the process, they are unrelated to the Project. It is only when you start assigning valid Vacancies to the Project, that the Candidates related to the Project will display. You can assign existing Vacancies or new ones in the Vacancies tab:


5. When the Vacancies have been assigned, then Candidates who meet the required Vacancy role specifications will display, and then you can proceed to being able to Progress those Candidates accordingly as shown below, as they are recognised as being related to the assigned Vacancy:

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