

The Tracking Token is a CRM environment setting that is sometimes defaulted to enable the generating and displaying of a unique alphanumeric identifier on each individual email sent - it is stored and displayed on the email’s Subject line. See the example screenshot below for how a token can appear on the email subject line:



NOTE: The instructions in this article can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.

1. The Tracking Token settings page is located in your Dynamics 365 Advanced settings > Settings > Administration > System Settings.
2. Once you’re in the System Settings, locate the Email tab.
3. Then under the Email tab, scroll down until you see the subtitle Configure folder-level tracking and email correlation.
4. You will then see an option called Use Tracking Token.


Option 1 - Remove the Tracking Token

If you wish to remove the Tracking Token, ensure that the Use tracking token option is unticked and then click OK - this will then apply the change.

Option 2 - Enable the Tracking Token

If you wish to have the feature enabled on your environment, then you will need to have the Use tracking token option ticked, upon which, you will be presented with a further set of available options for how you would like the token to be displayed, as shown below:

Authored by Sam Cherry - Service Desk Analyst @ Mercury