

This article shows how to create a new Candidate, or update an existing Candidate via the Textkernel or Daxtra functionality within Mercury.

  • Textkernel is a recruitment technology that provides multi-lingual CV parsing, job parsing and semantic searching to help swiftly match the demand and supply within the job market.
  • Daxtra is a provider of AI-powered recruitment technology that specializes in high-accuracy resume and job parsing, semantic search, and candidate matching.



Creating or updating Candidates using their CV is done directly within the Mercury CRM. 



Create a new Candidate Record

Contacts > Ribbon Bar > Upload CV > Choose file > Parse & Wait (yes/no) > Upload CV

Parse & Wait option

The Parse & Wait toggle gives users the choice in either having the CV be parsed (i.e. information extraction) in the background, or having the UI become non-reactive until the action is complete.

  • In this example, Parse & Wait is not selected.
  • After clicking Upload CV, the pop-up disappears and the user is free to carry on with any other actions. 
  • When the CV has been parsed, a notification will appear under the bell icon in the top navigation ribbon, along with a link to the Candidate Record. 


Update an existing Candidate Record

Contacts > Select Candidate > Ribbon Bar > Update by Parse

Parse & Wait option

The Parse & Wait toggle gives users the choice in either having the CV be parsed (i.e. information extraction) in the background, or having the UI become non-reactive until the action is complete.

  • In this example, Parse & Wait is selected.
  • After clicking Upload CV, the pop-up remains, along with a blue circular loading icon.
  • When the CV has been parsed, the user is taken directly to the updated record, also within a pop-out window.