

A helicopter view aimed at Senior Leadership teams so they can quickly and easily see how the business is performing, as well as monitor key conversion rates that directly impact performance. If individual Consultants were to view this report, they would only see their own data, whereas Senior leadership would see data across the whole organisation. 

Gain valuable insights such as stage-wise ratios, average time spent at each stage and the profit earned. See detailed breakdowns of Vacancies and Placements, their statuses and types over time, as well as individual Vacancies and Placements for a quick summary. Ultimately, giving visibility into your recruitment process to assist in making more informed decisions. 


Report highlight

The conversion rates displayed at the top of the report will help you easily identify where you see the biggest drop-off in your Sales process, along with what do you do well, so you can look to make improvements that will positively impact the outcome. 

These reports can be viewed at any time, but typically on a weekly basis to help form part of business/team reviews and Board pack presentations.

Who it's for

Consultants and Team Leaders.

Summary of the main screen

1 Click the funnel icon to open a filter panel for slicing and refining the data.
2 Stages of the recruitment funnel, including ratios and average time taken per stage.
3 More information available on the data displayed.
4 Click on these volumes to drill into rich detail.


Report summary

The Recruitment Overview report shows headline numbers showing progress through the recruitment process, from Vacancies through to Placements. It includes the profit associated with Placements, the ratios of progress through these steps and average number of days taken to progress from one step to the next.  

Additional information is available directly from the icon, giving more detail about where some of the numbers come from.  

From this page you can drill through into the details relating to both Vacancies and Placements, to view further richer information. This includes for example, Vacancies or Placements displayed by status or by type - Temporary, Permanent or Contract - and how these vary over time. 

Beneath this you've got the raw data table which can be filtered down to only view, for example, the Temporary Placements. When making a selection in one area, all the visuals and the data table will update to just display the information related to the selection that has been made. 

You can filter all the data using the funnel icon at the top. So for example, you can pick different territories or sites, or filter by Client or Consultant. There is a search option for using on long lists of Clients or Consultants, rather than scrolling through all the names, and the numbers displayed all update accordingly. 

There are two different ways to select a date period. You can pick a previously defined time period with a single click, such as viewing the last quarter, last week, last year, or this month, today, etc. It is also possible to select a bespoke period - you can click on the calendar icon to select start and end dates, or you can overtype the date directly, or you can use the sliders to amend the date period. Again, you'll see that all of the data will update based on the time period selected.  

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Vacancies - total number of Vacancies. 

  • Submissions - total number of CVs sent. 

  • Interviews - total number of Interviews arranged. 

  • Offers - total number of Offers. 

  • Placements - total number of Placements (New & Extensions) with Cancelled excluded. 

  • Gross Profit - total of Placement Gross Profit normalised, based on base currency amount. 

  • Ratios - shows ratios between each stage of the process. 

  • Days to - shows average number of days between stages. 

Recruitment Activity

  • Active Vacancies - total number of active Vacancies. 

  • Requiring submissions - total number of active Vacancies with status of Require CVs

  • At Submitted stage - total number of active Vacancies which have status of Shortlist

  • At Interview stage - total number of active Vacancies which have an Interview-based status. 

  • At Offer stage - total number of active Vacancies which have the status of Offer

  • Active Vacancy submissions - total number of CVs sent for all Vacancies which are active. 

  • Active Vacancy interviews - total number of Interviews related to all vacancies which are Active. 

  • Closed Vacancies - total number of inactive Vacancies. 

  • Closed Vacancies: Won - total number of inactive Vacancies which have a status of Won - all positions filled or Won - part filled vacancy.

  • Closed vacancies: Lost - total number of inactive Vacancies which have a status of Lost - competitor placed or Lost - filled internally or Lost - other reason or Lost - project cancelled

  • Closed Vacancies: Cancelled - total number of inactive Vacancies which have a status of Cancelled

  • Active Vacancy Offers - total number of Offers. 

  • Active Vacancy Placements - total number of Placements for all active Vacancies. 



  • Active Placements - total number of active Placements. 

  • Permanent Placements - total number of active Permanent Placements. 

  • Contract/Temp Placements - total number of active Placements for Contract or Temporary only. 

  • Contract/Temp Extensions - Total number of active Extensions for Contract or Temporary only. 

  • Starting in next 8 weeks - total number of active Placements with a start date in the next 8 weeks. 

  • Ending in next 8 weeks - total number of active Placements with an end date in the next 8 weeks. 

  • Contract/Temp runners - total number of Contract or Temporary runners. 



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury