
  This is one of our standout new features in Mercury v29 and we would love to know your thoughts about it



We have designed an alternative method of Validating a Placement. The new method allows customers to configure the fields within the Validation, surface fields from other entities such as Client and Candidate, along with making certain fields mandatory. The difference between the two methods is the new way the modal pop-up window appears, which will show the fields, rather than the Mercury core method of hiding the completed ones.

Where > Configuration

There are new Configuration records which control the entities displayed, fields visible and mandatory fields:



There is a main Configuration file which allows you to configure the tabs available within the new process:

You are currently only able to add the following:

  • Client

  • Contact (Client Contact)

  • Candidate

  • Placement

The configuration files can be split into 2 groups > Fields Visible and Mandatory:

Fields Visible










NOTE: This is different to some existing config records within Mercury, where you have to choose the fields to hide. Within these configs, you select the fields you wish to display.

NOTE: If a field is not visible within the config, you will be unable to make this mandatory and you will receive an error. In order to make fields show or mandatory within Placement Validation, you will need to add the schema name of the field(s) within the Value - string field of the configuration file.


Security Role

For the time being, this feature is hidden behind a security role to allow for the gradual rollout within your business. We propose this process will replace the original Placement Validation, but we want to give our Customers the opportunity to view this Coming Soon feature and provide the ability to give feedback.

In order to provide users access to the new Placement Validation, please assign the following role to them:

New Behaviour

We have added a new Validate Placement ribbon button which will call the new process. As this is an opt-in feature, the existing Validate button will still be present:

The new Validate Placement ribbon button will show on all Placement Statuses.

When selecting Validate Placement, a new modal window will appear showing you the fields that are required for validating this Placement:



Users can update the fields as they go. They will also have the ability to save part way through the validation. Once the user has populated or amended the relevant field, they can finalise by changing the toggle of the Finalised field within Placement Validation or via the ribbon menu.



Excluding Fields when Cloning a Vacancy

NOTE: The instructions in this section can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.

Alongside cloning a Vacancy, users are now able to set which fields are copied to the new Vacancy. This is done via a new Configuration setting entitled EXCLUDE_FIELDS_CLONE_VACANCY found in the Configuration folder.

Within the Configuration setting, the value – string field will need to have the field the user wishes to be excluded inputted into it.

Once the Vacancy is cloned, the Tags on the original version will continue to be transferred across. However, please note there are certain fields that are unable to be excluded, which are as follows:

  • Clone

  • Standard Rate Type

  • Frequency

  • Pay

  • Charge

  • Salary

  • Currency

  • Package Value

  • Auto-calculated Values (recalculated automatically)

  • User Fields



  This is one of our standout new features in Mercury v29 and we would love to know your thoughts about it

Authored by Matt McNamara - Product Owner @ Mercury