

A high-level overview aimed at Senior Leaders and Finance teams who want to easily see the variations in Contract runners over time, so that they can analyse trends but also forecast more accurately. 

An overview of your Contract workforce over time, with their associated WGP value. This report enables you to identify the averages of Contract runner volumes for the selected period and the average WGP per runner. 

The GP forecast toggle uses historical data and seasonality to produce a 6 month future forecast of GP associated with Contract runners, with a 95% confidence interval. 


Report highlight

Allows you to see the correlation over time of number of runners vs GP. Are your margins getting squeezed? Are you working harder for less?. 

Can be viewed at any time but more likely to be monthly, and reported on quarterly. 


Who it's for

Senior Leadership.

Summary of the main screen

1 Easily accessible headlines for Runner volume comparison, and True Gross Profit.
2 Daily granularity on Runner volumes, associated GP and Average GP per Runner.
3 Ability to toggle between live Runner view and 6 month future forecast.


Report summary

The Contract Runners report shows the volume of live Contract Runners over time, along with the associated Gross Profit for those active Contract Runners. 

You can filter the report a number of ways, for example, by Time period, by Location (i.e. Territory or Site), by Primary Team or by Consultant. 

When you move the cursor across the screen, you get a daily update on the True Gross Profit associated with the active Contract Runners, how many Runners there are on that given day, and the Average Daily Gross Profit per Runner. 

The headline numbers at the top of the screen show you the average volume of Runners this month, last month and over the last 12 months, as well as the True Gross Profit and the average Runner Weekly True Gross Profit as well. 

There's a second toggle which shows you a Gross Profit forecast, and this is based on historical data and seasonality to produce a 6-month future prediction of Gross Profit, with a 95% confidence interval for the prediction. The shaded area shows the upper and lower bounds of that prediction over the next 6 months.  

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Avg This Month - the average daily count of Contract Runners (includes Temp positions) for the current month-to-date, not including future dates in the month. 

  • Avg Last Month - the average daily count of Contract Runners (includes Temp positions) for the whole of last month.  

  • Avg Last 12 Months - the average daily count of Contract Runners (includes Temp positions) for the last 12 full months. 

  • True GP - total True Gross Profit (inclusive of costs - e.g. travel expenses) associated with all Contract Runners (includes Temp positions). 

  • Avg Runner WTGP - the average Weekly True Gross Profit per Runner (includes Temp positions). 



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury