

Senior Leadership view of how Business Units fare when recruiting for Permanent positions. May also give early insight into market forces. 

Shows volumes of new Permanent Starter deals over time, with associated GP value. Detailed views are also available to breakdown Starter deals by Business Unit and/or Site. 


Report highlight

Visibility of new Placement volumes by both Created date and Deal date, and when those Placements actually start. 


Who it's for

Senior Leadership. 

Summary of the main screen

1 Click the funnel icon to open a filter panel for slicing and refining the data.
2 Key metrics relating to Permanent Placements.
3 Toggle between Gross Profit of Placements and volumes of Starters.


Report summary

The Permanent Starters report shows a breakdown of Gross Profit from Permanent Placements, initially by the Start date for each of those Placements.  It also displays the GP by Created date or Deal date for the Placements, and there is also a breakdown by Business Unit and by Site.  

In the headline numbers at the top of the report, you can see the number of Clients who have Permanent Placements, the average Fee percentage, and the total Permanent fees generated by those Placements. 

There are several filters available allowing you to slice the data in different ways, which you can access by selecting the funnel icon. These include cutting the data by, for example, Primary Team or Consultant, and you can choose a specific date period. 

There are a number of predetermined date periods that you can select with a single click, or you can create a bespoke date range by using the sliders or the calendar icons that appear towards the top of the report page, and all the visuals will update accordingly. 



Glossary of terms for this report


  • Number of Clients - the total number of different Clients with whom Permanent Placements have been made. 

  • Average Fee % - the average Fee % for Permanent Placements/Vacancies in the time period selected. 

  • Permanent Fees - the Gross Profit normalised to base currency for new Placements, based on Start date. 



  • GP of Deal by Start Month and Business Unit - the Gross Profit for new Permanent starters, based on Start dates in the last 2 years, with the bars split by Business Unit. 

  • GP of Deal by Month Created - the Gross Profit for new Permanent Starters, by Creation date in the last 2 years. 

  • Starters by Month and Business Unit - the Volume of new Permanent Placements, based on Start dates in the last 2 years, with the bars split by Business Unit. 

  • New Placements Created by Month - the Volume of new Permanent Placements, by Creation date in the last 2 years. 



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury