

Team Lead and Consultant view – how well are you and/or your team engaged with your Candidates and Clients to maximise retention and redeployment. 

Shows how long it has been since Contract Candidates and Hiring Managers have been contacted. 

Details include average time since last contact, and a list of Placements with traffic light warning indicators based on last contact date. 


Report highlight

Red indicates action that needs to be taken. Very simple to interpret and see what needs attention and what is under control. 


Who it's for

Consultants and Team Leaders.


Summary of the main screen

1 Easily identify how recently Candidates have been contacted.
2 Days remaining until end of Contract.
3 Visibility of last contact with Hiring Manager.
4 Clear traffic light indicators for days since last Candidate contact.


Report summary

The Contractor Monitoring report shows how long it's been since contact has been made with Temporary or Contract Candidates, and with Hiring Managers. 

The first doughnut chart shows how long it's been since contact has been made with Candidates.  It highlights in green if contact has been made in the last 14 days, amber if it's been 15 to 30 days since that contact, red if it's been over 31 days, or black if there's been no contact at all. 

The dials to the right show the average number of days since the last contact for Candidates and for Hiring Managers. 

The data table at the bottom of the page shows all of the Contract and Temporary Placements, and information including how many days remain until the Contract comes to an end, how many days it has been since the Hiring Manager was last contacted, and how many days since the Candidate was contacted. The traffic light markers next to the number of days since last contact, match the time scales in the doughnut chart above. 

You can filter the report by selecting an appropriate time scale, and then you can slice the data down by Business Unit, by Team, by Territory or Site, by Consultant or by Client. 

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Last Contacted - the number of days based on Last Contacted field in Mercury (so can be telephone call or email).    


Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury