

Understand in monetary terms the size of the issue/loss so that you can look to address any areas that will help mitigate unnecessary revenue leakage. Aimed at everyone in the business but most likely to be used by Senior Leadership who can then affect change. A powerful insight into just how much revenue has been lost through delays or poor process or Non-Starters! 

Shows total volumes of unforeseen losses through Contract Non-Starters and Early Terminations, along with the associated lost revenue in terms of WGP. The main view is a combination of both groups, with the ability to view Non-Starters or Early Terminations as groups separately. 

Detailed views of Non-Starters/Early Terminations as a % of expected Starters, reasons for not starting or termination, and top 5 total GP losses by Client and by Consultant. Also includes individual data about each Placement. 


Report highlight

Top 5 losses by Consultant and by Clients - are some of your Clients wasting your time? Are some of your Consultants making poor matches? 

These reports, considering their importance, should be viewed weekly! 


Who it's for

Team Leaders & Senior Leadership.


Summary of the main screen

1 View combined losses or split out Non-Starters or Early Terminations individually.
2 View volumes of unforeseen losses and associated Gross Profit lost.
3 Understand the reasons for Non-Starters and Early Terminations.
4 Switch from details of Placements affected to Top 5 losses for Clients and by Consultant.


Report summary

The Contract Lost Revenue report shows total volumes of unforeseen losses that occur through Contract Non-Starters and Early Terminations, along with the associated lost revenue in terms of the Weekly Gross Profit. 

The main view is a combination of these two groups, and you have the ability to view a different page to see just the Non-Starters or just the data related to Early Terminations in isolation. 

All of the pages have the same layout, and on each page the main chart focuses on the number of unforeseen losses, the lost weekly gross profit associated with those losses, and the average weekly gross profit lost per person. 

On the right hand side, the categories which describe the reasons why the Placements have either not started or have been terminated are displayed, and at the bottom of the screen you see the raw data table that shows details of each Placement. 

By switching the toggle from the Table view to Top Losses you can now see how your top five Clients by Profit have been impacted by any of these unforeseen losses. You also have a view of the top 5 losses by Consultants which shows the 5 Consultants who have been associated with the highest value of losses. 

You can filter the report in a number of ways including selecting the date range that you wish to view, or splitting the data down by Business Unit, Team, Territory, Site, Consultants or by Client. 

Glossary of terms for this report


  • Unforeseen Losses - a count of Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled or Terminated.  

  • Non-Starters - a count of Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled

  • Early Terminations - a count of Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Terminated

  • Avg Weekly Gross Profit – average weekly margin (gross profit) lost for Contract/Temp placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 

  • Total Weekly Gross Profit - the total weekly margin (gross profit) lost for Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 

  • Avg Gross Profit - the average gross profit lost for Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 

  • Total Gross Profit - the total gross profit lost for Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 

  • Losses Rate % - Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page) as a percentage of all Placements.



  • By Category - comes from Placement status.  

  • WGP Loss for Top 5 Contracting Clients over time - the weekly margin (gross profit) lost for the top 5 Contract/Temp Clients by gross profit for Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 

  • Total GP Loss for Top 5 Contracting Clients - the total gross profit lost for the top 5 Contract/Temp Clients by gross profit for Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 

  • Top 5 Losses by Consultant - the 5 Consultants with the highest total gross profit lost for Contract/Temp Placements that start with a status including Cancelled and/or Terminated (depending on page). 



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury