

A look at all the key numbers across the organisation, and while available to anyone in a Leadership position, this report is likely to be used by Senior Leaders to identify ‘hot spots’ within the organisation. 

A tabulated view across all levels with associated drill-downs to display data for any given Business Unit through to an individual within an organisation. 

Includes key data points divided into three tabs. The Recruitment Activities tab includes counts of Vacancies, CVs Submitted, First & Further & Final Interviews and Offers Made & Placements.

Business Development Activities displayed are New Candidates, Clients & Contacts added, Spec Sends, Phone Calls and Appointments.

Financial measures shown are Placement Value (Gross Profit) and Total Fees.


Report highlight

Gaps in the data are obvious and impactful, in that they quickly allow you to drill into poor performers and address issues as soon as they arise. Fill Rate is also displayed here.

Can be viewed at any time but likely to be viewed on a monthly basis. 


Who it's for

Senior Leadership. 


Summary of the main screen

1 Drill all the way down from Business Unit to Team to Individual Consultant.
2 Key metric of Fill Rate %.
3 Switch between views of Recruitment, Business Development and Financial measures.
4 Obvious gaps can be identified, allowing them to be addressed quickly.


Report summary

The Individual Hub shows a number of key metrics across the organisation, with headline measures displayed for New Gross Profit, Fees year to date, Vacancies created, CVs submitted and Fill Rate percentage.

The table gives you a breakdown from Business Unit to Team and right down to individual level, and you can see a quick view of Recruitment activities undertaken (including splitting out First, Final and Further Interviews), or Business Development activities.

The Fees generated by each individual and the Gross Profit from Placements are available on the Financial view. Any of the views can be selected in the top right corner of the report. Selecting, for example, a Team within the table, you'll see the headline numbers update accordingly, to show the metrics that are specific to the Team selected.

It's useful for spotting gaps where there might be activities missing to support with monitoring and managing individual performance.  

There is a Currency selector at the bottom of the screen to update the Fees and Gross Profit displayed from the Base Currency.

There's a filter panel which you can use to slice the data differently, or select time periods, for example, such as a particular month or quarter. 



Glossary of terms for this report


  • New Gross Profit – the Gross Profit of new Placements created, normalised based on the Base Currency amount, multiplied by the selected Exchange Rate.
  • Fees YTD – Fees created so far this financial year.
  • Vacancies created – total number of Vacancy records created (not Positions).
  • CVs submitted – total number of CVs sent.
  • Fill Rate – percentage of new Placements generated from Vacancies, compared to the total available.




  • Vacancies – total number of Vacancy records created (not Positions).
  • Submissions – total number of CVs sent.
  • First Interviews – total number of First Interviews arranged.
  • Further Interviews – total number of Further interviews arranged.
  • Final Interviews – total number of Final interviews arranged.
  • Offers Made – total number of Offers made.
  • Placements – total number of Placements made.

Business Development

  • Candidates – total number of new Candidate contacts.
  • Clients – total number of new Client records added.
  • Contacts – total number of new 'Active Client' contacts.
  • Spec Sends – total number of Spec Sends.
  • Calls – total number of all Phone Call types & Purposes combined (does not include 'Left Voicemail' calls).
  • Appointments – total number of all Appointment types combined (does not include 'Interview' type appointments).


  • Placement Value (GP) – total Gross Profit associated with Placements.
  • Total Fees – total value of Fees directly attributed.

FX – current selected Conversion Rate from Base Currency units.



Authored by Andy Montague - Product Manager @ Mercury