
Each item below is prefixed with a 5-digit internal ID, followed by the Development Sprint in which it was delivered as the number in brackets, and then colour-coded as Green to indicate a Feature Update or Purple to indicate a Software Fix.


3rd September 2024

65507 (16) - Expand Contact endpoints to include Middle Names (gets, create and updates)
A Contact's middle name can now be included as an additional field in the response. Middle names are now available against Get/Patch/Create Contact endpoints.


21st August 2024

61851 (15) - Skills - Changes to data model for onboarded 
Ensure unique identifiers for Skills are exposed in GET endpoints. Skill levels can now be patched on the Third Party integration API - PATCH /skills/{id}.


60320 (16) - Return Candidate Source - Contact & Placement
Shortlist Source now retrievable via Public API placement endpoints. Expanded the Placement data model.

60399 (16) - Placement - Add User fields
Include customer specific User field label within response. Return Candidate User Fields against a Placement for the GET by ID endpoint.


20th June 2024

60226 (11) - Provision for custom field access - Vacancy - Get All
Allow users to retrieve fields that do not seem available as part of the data model. Allow for the retrieval of custom fields within Get All Vacancies endpoint.

60227 (11) - Provision for custom field access - Vacancy - Get ID
Allow users to retrieve fields that do not seem available as part of the data model. Allow for the retrieval of custom fields within Get Vacancy by ID endpoint.

56100 (11) - Get Annotation by Contact ID returns 200 when Contact does not exist
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where an Error 200 was being returned when the Contact record does not exist. Now returns the correct error code (404).

56101 (11) - Get Activities By Contact ID returns 200 when Contact does not exist
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where an Error 200 was being returned when the Contact record does not exist. Now returns the correct error code (404).


11th June 2024

57999 (10) - Get All Placements - LastUpdated filter to be a DateTime
LastUpdated filter has been changed from Date to DateTime so that the request can be called multiple times a day to fetch anything newly updated in, say, the last 30 minutes. This means that the 'Get All Placements' endpoint now supports Time filtering against the LastUpdated parameter. 



20th May 2024

56883 (8) - Paginate 'Get All Vacancies'
Get all Vacancies now has pagination to assist in usability when returning large numbers of Vacancies.


56884 (8) - Add Vacancy ID to Placement data model and returned data
Added Vacancy ID to the Placement data model such that it populates it from all Get Placement endpoints, so a link between Placement and Vacancy can be made.


56885 (8) - Add Salary to Placement data model and returned data
Added permanent Salary fields to the Placement data model so that Salary information can be viewed in the same way as Contract and Temporary rates. This has been achieved by adding Salary and Package Value to the returned data model on Get Placement endpoints.


56886 (8) - Add 'Created' and 'Updated' dates to Vacancy data model and returned data
We've added Created Date and Updated Date to the Vacancy data model such that they will now be populated from all Get Vacancy endpoints. Achieved by adding Created and Modified On fields to the Vacancy model on Get Vacancy endpoints.


54212 (8) - Create Contact Activity returns Error 500 if Recipient entity does not exist
RESOLVED BUG: If a Recipient entity against a Contact Activity request does not exist, then a 500 error is now returned.


18th March 2024

53597 - Filter by 'On or After' a given date

Added a filter that can be applied for Created On date, to be on or after a specified date/time for: 


· Get Shortlists by Vacancy 

· Get all Contacts 

· Get all Vacancies 

· Get all Clients 

· Get all Users 


54348 - Paginate Get all Contacts


Introduced pagination for the Get All Contacts endpoint to accommodate large quantities of returned data. 


53849 - Patch Compliance Record 

Introduced the ability to be able to update (patch) a Compliance record by ID. 


53848 - Create Compliance Record 

Added the ability to be able to create a new Compliance record on a Placement (by Placement ID). 


43797 - Get All Placements 

Created a new endpoint to return all Placements. This endpoint utilises pagination due to the potential large datasets that could be returned.