
NOTE: Candidate Detail Cards are a feature in our new Mercury Search module.

Each item below is prefixed with a 5-digit internal ID, followed by the Development Sprint in which it was delivered as the number in brackets, and then colour-coded as Green to indicate a Feature Update or Purple to indicate a Software Fix.


5th September 2024

64736 (16) - Upload a CV to a Candidate Record with already loaded CVs
Users can now upload additional CVs to a Candidate Record where a CV has already been uploaded. We've added new button to upload a new CV. 


21st August 2024

64038 (15) - Show Placements in the Candidate Card
Placement information now shows within the Candidate Card modal window. We've added Candidate Placements to the Candidate Card.


29th July 2024

58175 (13) - Show Timeline in (Client) Contact tab
If the Candidate is also a Client contact, you can now view a Timeline of activities in that context. We've added a Timeline to the Contact Card in the context of a Client Contact.


58178 (13) - Show Placements in (Client) Contact tab
If the Candidate is also a Client contact, you can now view the Placements associated with the contact as the Client. We've added a 'Placements' tab to the Contact Card in the context of a Client Contact.

56079 (14) - Add Activity pop-out modal window is moveable
You can add an Activity (e.g. Phone Call, Appointment) without covering the CV or any other relevant information. A modal window can be clicked and moved around in front of the Candidate Card window.

57938 (14) - Show LinkedIn profile in (Client) Contact tab
If the Candidate is also a Client contact, gather more information by viewing their LinkedIn profile. We've added a 'LinkedIn' tab to the Contact Card in the context of a Client Contact.

59180 (14) - Upload a CV via the Candidate Card
Choose 'Upload' or 'Remove' CV file directly from the Candidate Card. Under the 'CV' tab, users can upload a CV from there, instead of having to go through the CRM.

61914 (14) - Show Shortlists in (Client) Contact tab
If the Candidate is also a Client contact, you can view the Shortlists associated with the contact as the Client. We've added a 'Shortlists' tab to the Contact Card in the context of a Client Contact


2nd July 2024

49012 (11) - Highlight Job Title from Search query in Work History 
New query parameter added to highlight the searched term(s) in blue in the UI.

54943 (11) - Show Match Rating on Candidate Card when opening from Search
Added new Match Rating knob on the Candidate Card when opening from Search.

58101 (11) - Launch Client Contact Card from Search
Query parameter added that allows users to open the Contact Card in Candidate view and Client Contact view.

58809 (11) - Add cache-busting logic to see the latest changes and features without having to refresh using Ctrl+F5
Cache-buster implemented which forces the page to refresh.

59160 (11) - Improve performance of Timeline loading behaviour
On the Candidate Card, load initial 10 records and then for more, click on the Load More button.

59192 (11) - Customise Candidate Card with additional fields that are not currently displayed
Added + Additional Fields button on the Candidate Card which opens a sidebar with a list of additional field options to select from.

59196 (11) - View the Date that the last CV was uploaded i.e. CV Last Received
On the Candidate Card, we've added a new property to the Candidate endpoint to reflect CV Last Received.

59987 (11) - Changed Tags/Filters text colour in Candidate Cards 
Override the text colour for tabs so the colours are consistent.

50595 (12) - Microsoft Teams Meeting on Appointment creation via Recruiter Portal not working correctly
On the Candidate Card, when an Appointment was made in the Recruiter Portal as a Teams Meeting, the Appointment will now include a Microsoft Teams meeting link.

57166 (12) - Previous/Next button on the Timeline items in Candidate Card
In order to navigate through Timeline items without having to click back into the timeline, a Previous/Next option is now available in the Timeline on the Candidate Card.

58177 (12) - Show Vacancies in Client Contact Card
Users can now see Vacancies where the Client Contact is the Hiring Manager - a new endpoint has been added to the Recruiter Portal API to retrieve Active Vacancies by Client.

61096 (12) - Keyword query in Search should highlight the term in any text field
In the Candidate Card, where a keyword search is created, the results are highlighted in several free text fields.

58038 (11) - User cannot use keyboard to switch between Candidate and Client view
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where user was unable to switch between Candidate and Client view using the Enter key. 


11th June 2024

42688 (10) - View on Map option for Candidate home address
On the Candidate Card you can now view the Candidate' s home address on a map to see the proximity to a potential Vacancy/Employer, by utilising and displaying BING maps location based on address.


58179 (10) - Show Work History in Client Contact card
When viewing a Client Contact (that can also be a Candidate Contact), you can now view the Work History on the Contact Card of where they have worked, who they have worked for and who they have worked with. So Work History now shows when a Contact is viewed in Client mode.


57720 (10) - Candidate/Contact toggle does not translate
RESOLVED BUG: Candidate/Contact toggle now translates when Language is changed.

59035 (10) - Client Contact banner UI has differences from Candidate Contact
RESOLVED BUG: Changed the Client Contact Card banner to be consistent in styling with the Candidate banner.


21st May 2024 

53063 (7) - View a Contact in the context of a Client Contact 
A toggle has been added to switch between Candidate and Client contact context. 


53083 (7) - Add Notice Period to Candidate Details card 
Added Notice Period and Notice Period Type to required endpoints and utilised them in the UI by showing the Notice Period in the Details tab, which also allows it to be edited. 

54051 (7) - Show contact details on the (client) Contact Card 
Contact details are now displayed on the Client Contact card. 

51916 (8) - Screen Reader > CV and Work History
Recruiter Portal should be usable with a Screen Reader, therefore needs to meet certain WCAG criteria that would help Screen Readers to properly identify and read out elements of the Portal. Region has been added to the Tabs panel.

51917 (8) - Screen Reader > Contact Information
Recruiter Portal should be usable with a Screen Reader, therefore needs to meet certain WCAG criteria that would help Screen Readers to properly identify and read out elements of the Portal. Region has been added to the Tabs panel.

51918 (8) - Screen Reader > Shortlists and Applications
Recruiter Portal should be usable with a Screen Reader, therefore needs to meet certain WCAG criteria that would help Screen Readers to properly identify and read out elements of the Portal. Region has been added to the Tabs panel.

53988 (8) - Add Flags to Candidate Card if in the context of a Vacancy from Search
When viewing the Candidate after launching from the View Detail button in Search, we need to retain the flag information. We've therefore added new logic to the Recruiter API so it is able to retrieve a flag for a Vacancy and Candidate from the Cosmos API. This is then used in the API to display the flag to the user.

56197 (8) - Flip All and My Vacancies buttons for consistency
We've flipped the 'All' and 'My Vacancies' buttons for consistency.

50523 (9) - Candidate Cards > Translate Toastr messages
Updated existing Toastr messages so they now translate correctly.

52327 (9) - Candidate Cards > Show the fields where data is missing when you click on the Profile % Complete button
We've added an overlay to the screen that displays information about the missing fields or whether they're all complete when clicking the knob control.

52991 (9) - Candidate Cards > Increase size of sidebars for consistency
We've re-sized the sidebars consistently across the Candidate and Client cards.

54014 (9) - Candidate Cards > Ensure that once the address is updated in RP, that the data completeness knob is then updated in real time
Completion Progress knob now updates in real-time when changes are made in the Contact panels by streamlining the communication between components.

54065 (9) - Ensure to pass through the Vacancy ID when opening a Candidate Card in the context of a Vacancy 
View the detail of the Candidate Card in the context of a Vacancy by passing through the Vacancy ID when opening a Candidate Card in the context of a Vacancy.

55249 (9) - Candidate Cards > InMail in the Timeline
Show LinkedIn InMail as an activity in the Timeline.

56195 (9) - Candidate Cards > Change Unauthorized to Unauthorised in unauthorised screens
Updated translation from 'Unauthorized' to 'Unauthorised' 

56196 (9) - In unauthorised screens add link of steps to try to get rid of unauthorised page
Where an unauthorised message is due to pop-up blockers, a brief guidance on how to allow the screen should be displayed, so we've added visual steps to the unauthorised screen to show the user a potential resolution to their issue.

57184 (9) - Candidate Cards > Hide the repeated data in the header in core view
Hide repeated/unrequired data in the header of the Candidate Card when viewing/displaying in Mercury Core.

58180 (9) - Contact Cards > Show Off Limits in Contact Card
Where applied, Off Limits will be visible on Contact Cards. 

58181 (9) - Contact Cards > Show/Edit work address in Contact Card 
We've added the Work Address to be shown and editable on Contact Cards.

58183 (9) - Contact Cards > Show/Edit Tags in the Contact Card
We've added Tags to be shown and editable on Contact Cards.

55301 (7) - Edit Details date selector is saving date as one day minus the current date 
RESOLVED BUG: Fixed an issue where British Standard Time offset was causing the selected availability date to select the previous day. 

54938 (8) - Only First Name and Last Name in the icon
RESOLVED BUG: Only the initials of the First Name and Last Name displayed in icon.

55161 (8) - Error message issue when creating Appointments 
RESOLVED BUG: Fixed translation of error message so it matches the translation file, making the error message useful to the user.

54068 (9) - Timeline no longer sorts by Activity ID if 'Created On' is identical
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an issue where the Portal timeline used to sort by Activity ID when the 'Created On' date was identical.

56199 (9) - Vacancies search bringing back mixed/incorrect results
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an issue where when a user searches for a Vacancy, the results did not mirror Search results.

56200 (9) - Shortlist long name cut off
RESOLVED BUG: Added styling to the Shortlist name to wrap text in the case of a long name.



4th March 2024 

50387 - Make Contact details editable 

The Contact details (Personal home, Mobile and Email address) fields are now editable. 


51913 - Tabbing order 

Added Accessibility landmarks and labels.


50393 - Progress applications 

Ability to review and progress Applications in Candidate Card, thereby being able to progress Applications using the same process as in Mercury Core.


52823 - Tag ordering 

Putting tags in a logical order by parent and child on the Candidate Card. Now ordered Candidate Tags by Full Name.


52841 - Off Limits to be viewed on the header 

Any Off Limits to be visible on the header of the Candidate Card, so Do not head hunt reasons are now shown against the Candidate name in the header when there is a reason present and it has not expired. 


52814 - Emails created to be set as the logged in user

When creating an email, the Created by will now set as the logged in user when viewing that activity record on the Candidate Card.


52839 - Default to ALL on the Candidate Timeline 

Make the default view for activities on the Candidate Timeline on the Candidate Card set to ALL


51912 - Colour corrections for Accessibility 

Ensuring that the portal elements on the Candidate Card meet Accessibility standards. The colour palette of the default theme has been altered to achieve AAA accessibility colour contrast accessibility standard. 


52822 - Parent / full tag name to be viewed 

Show the full Parent and Child names in the tags section of the Recruiter and Candidate cards. 


22nd January 2024 

47009 - Create an Appointment via the Candidate card 

Added the ability to create an Appointment directly via the Candidate card and then logged in the Timeline.


46563 - Show Annotations/Notes on the timeline in Candidate Card 

Display annotations on the Timeline of the Candidate card. 


47199 - Implement a generic 'Is loading' to the Mercury 'M' loader symbol 

When a page is loading we need the consistency with the 'M' loader symbol so we have implemented it within the nature of Mercury 'M' loading symbol. 


42335 - Send an Email from the Candidate Card 

Sending an email directly from the Candidate card Timeline. An Email action has been added to Add Activity menu that opens the Mercury Core Email Editor, with Contact passed in. 


47002 - Add / Remove existing Tags to the Candidate card 

The ability to add or remove tags to or from the Candidate card. 


49486 - My Vacancy and All Vacancy toggles formatting change 

The Vacancy toggle border on the Candidate card wasn't wrapping around the toggle. We've added some additional padding so that the border is now fully and correctly visible. 


48175 - Animation glitch on the burger menu in mobile view 

The burger menu when viewing/using the Recruiter Portal on a mobile phone, had an animation glitch if the Settings sub-menu was open, so we've now configured the Settings sub-menu to collapse before the mobile menu is closed. 


December 2023 

48107 - iFrame mode 

Creation of an iFrame in Mercury Core for the Candidate card to be viewed within a Candidate record. 


48106 - Pass in the Tenant ID to the Candidate card 

Pass in the Tenant ID onto the Candidate card to ensure correct data is being accessed. 


48109 - Contact placeholders 

Creating placeholders in the Mercury Core Contact entity for additional upcoming Recruiter Portal cards. 


48108 - Client placeholders 

Creating placeholders in the Mercury Core Client entity for additional upcoming Recruiter Portal cards. 


48111 - Placement placeholders 

Creating placeholders in Mercury Core Placement entity for additional upcoming Recruiter Portal cards. 


48110 - Vacancy placeholders 

Creating placeholders in Mercury Core Vacancy entity for additional upcoming Recruiter Portal cards.


48067 - Add 'Logout' button for unauthorised and forbidden users 

Any user who isn't authorised to view the page could not then logout of the page, so we have now added a Logout button on the Candidate card. 


47300 - Set Hiring Manager upon creation of a Shortlist 

When a Shortlist is created, we were not setting the Hiring Manager - it was instead being set by a plugin. The result of this was that when the data was refreshed on the Candidate Card, and after the Save had completed, the Hiring Manager was blank, so we have now set the Vacancy Hiring Manager upon creation of the Shortlist. 


49220 - Move the 'Add phone call' dialog into the sidebar 

The Add Phone call modal dialog has been changed to a sidebar dialog to be more in keeping with the other options on the portal.