
Each item below is prefixed with a 5-digit internal ID, followed by the Development Sprint in which it was delivered as the number in brackets, and then colour-coded as Green to indicate a Feature Update or Purple to indicate a Software Fix.


5th September 2024

55105 (16) - Client Contact - Location (distance) filter
Contact search mode now includes a Location distance filter for radial searching around a specific location. Location (distance) filter added under (Client) 'Contact' tab.


62166 (16) - Autoselect all AI suggested keyword terms
When a user loads AI suggestions* for a keyword, all options in the drop-down are now automatically selected and added to the query. Users can still manually deselect any suggestions they don't want to include. All AI suggested terms are automatically selected when loaded for a keyword.
*Additional AI features are part of the AI Essentials package.

62652 (16) - Structured Search - Expanded groups view
Search Groups and Filter Groups panels can now be viewed side by side for improved ease of use when building a complex grouped query. This view also includes a condensed result panel where results information can be viewed but actions (Shortlist, Hotlist, Add Phone Call) cannot be performed. Collapse any panel using the buttons at the bottom of the screen to expand the results section and make the Options button visible. UI updated to show Search Groups and Filter Groups panels side-by-side. 

63914 (16) - Highlighting based on AI suggestions
When using AI suggestions* on a keyword filter, these suggestions are now highlighted anywhere they appear in the results. UI updated to highlight all results across a record that match AI suggested keywords.
*Additional AI features are part of the AI Essentials package.

59783 (17) - AI suggestions on 'Job Title'
The option to add additional AI suggestions* is now available in the 'Job Title' field. 'AI' drop-down button added within each Job Title searched.
*Additional AI features are part of the AI Essentials package.

59785 (17) - AI suggestions on 'Employer'
The option to add additional AI suggestions* is now available in the 'Employer' field. 'AI' drop-down button added within each Employer searched. 
*Additional AI features are part of the AI Essentials package.

64988 (17) - Structured Search - auto-populate into group
When editing the query structure, anything added in the left hand menu (excluding Salary) is automatically added into the relevant group tab ('Search Groups' or 'Filter Groups'). Anything deleted will also be automatically deleted from the associated group. Searches conducted within Structured Search auto-populate into the relevant tab without the need to drag & drop manually. 

65100 (17) - Include AI suggestions for 'Keywords' in Results Hits
When using AI suggestions* on a keyword filter, these suggestions are now included in the 'Result Hits' information for each result. Selected AI suggestions now show in Results Hits as well as any manually input search within 'Keywords'.
*Additional AI features are part of the AI Essentials package.

65101 (17) - Colour coding to distinguish between Search terms and Filter terms
Added colour coded labels in the '+ Add additional Search Terms/Filters' drop-down in the left-hand menu. 'Search' terms are blue and 'Filter' terms are orange. UI updated to add coloured tags in the '+ Add additional Search Terms/Filters' drop-down in the left-hand menu.


9th August 2024

48411 (15) - Multi-select / Select All option on Location
Easily select multiple Locations at once in the "Location (free text)" filter, using a multi-select tick-box added into the Location drop-down list.

60810 (15) - Structured Search Result Hits
"Results Hits" button has been added to the Results page, so users can easily see where their free-text searches have been found in a Candidate/Client record.

62126 (15) - Introduction of Structured Search
Combined "Filters" and "Groups" into one view called "Structured Search". Here users can start building up a query and then click "Edit Structure" to view, move and change Groups. Original "Filters" and "Advanced" tabs now combined to create "Structured Search". 

62137 (15) - AI suggested terms on Keywords in Groups
Added AI suggested terms for "Keywords" into the new "Structured Search" mode. Load AI suggestions after searching a Keyword, and select from a drop-down list of suggested additional terms. *Additional AI features are part of the AI essentials package.

59986 (11) - View more than one Parent > Child hierarchy in Tags in Search
Where there is more than one Parent > Child hierarchy in a Tag on a record, the whole Tag can be viewed and individual Tags can be selected. We've made the entire Tag breadcrumb trail visible. 

60098 (11) - Lowercase location free text in the index
Search locations without the case sensitivity to streamline location searching. Changed all location data to lowercase.

49953 (12) - Changed Shortlist icon
Updated the icon for Shortlists to be more consistent with Mercury Core.

60729 (12) - No limit on email lists
Stopped an error when attempting to email over 250 people at once. Added a limit of 250 Candidates/Contacts being added to an email at a time.

61135 (12) - Display the number of times a searched term appears in the results in Filter Mode
View where and how many times a searched term appears in the results. 'Result hits' button added to each result in Filter mode which, when clicked, displays where and how many times each searched term was found in the results.

35201 (11) - Mobile View - Advanced Search - Item remains selected on the list when Bin button is pressed 
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where item would not be removed when clicking the Bin button.

54909 (11) - Mobile - Contact page - Button doesn't display Filters panel when switching to Candidate page and you are in different mode (Groups, Boolean)
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where switching between Candidate and Contact views was not resetting the filters, and was remaining on the previous selected search mode (i.e. Groups or Boolean).

58081 (11) - Special characters - apostrophe causing errors
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where selecting a lookup search term with an apostrophe was not returning the intended result.

58141 (11) - Selecting options on a tile at the bottom of the screen causes the screen to grow or dropdown is lost
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where, when selecting the Options button in Tile view from the bottom row, the page was extending or rows were missing.

59448 (11) - Search UI - What's New? dates not showing
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where when signing into Search using a non-admin user, the Dates were not visible when looking at the "What's New?" screen.

59929 (11) - Create new Hotlist - Save button not disabled after clicking
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where the Create New Hotlist button was not disabled after one click, allowing users to click multiple times and create multiple new Hotlists with the same name.

57978 (12) - Groups > Off Limits Filter - Count is not displayed
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where the count of results was not displayed when the Off Limits filter was applied.

60248 (12) - Hotlist panel closing and still showing records as Hotlisted
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where the whole side panel closed and the Add to Hotlist button was disabled.



11th June 2024

54997 (10) - Wrap returned query terms in speech marks e.g. "Project Manager"
In order to search terms as opposed to individual words, the term needs to be wrapped. Query terms have been restructured and are now wrapped in double quotation marks, returning better refined results.


56210 (10) - Contacts: Add 'Refresh Results'  
Having a 'Refresh Results' button for Contacts, same as the Candidate Search. We've added 'Refresh Results' option at the top of the List View and the Tile View.

59050 (10) - Location filters to have a 'Contains' option 
Location filters now have a 'Contains' option to capture all probable variations of the words you are searching for, in order to mitigate any case sensitivity issues.

59094 (10) - Block " " from keyword searches
To avoid confusion when using Boolean and keywords, we have removed the ability to add double quotation marks " " so that the results are accurate. We've blocked the use of double quotation marks, with a pop-up error to inform user that the symbol cannot be used.

59775 (10) - Change 'Search Chat' to 'Copilot'
Name change of Chat to be inline with other similar Microsoft products. We've updated the name of the AI Search in Search from 'Search Chat' to 'Copilot'.

59777 (10) - Renaming of the 'Advanced' mode button to 'Groups'
We've renamed the mode button that was called 'Advanced' to a new label called 'Groups' to make it is easier to understand its purpose. 

58110 (10) - Boolean/Advanced - Additional filters removed on refresh
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where in Boolean and Advanced (now called Groups) modes, additional filters did not save when the page was refreshed. It was only keeping them in the Filters mode. 

58132 (10) - Location (Distance) Filter - Required Fields    
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where Required fields were not responding to inputted text, and another bug where the Country was being automatically added in without the user doing it.

58201 (10) - Indexing not updating from Search - Hot Lists 
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where a  Hot List could not be found in Search and when checking the index for the Candidate added to the Hot List, the Hot List did not show.      

58202 (10) - Index not updating - Phone calls   
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where Last Contacted and Last Called were not being updated in the index.

59357 (10) - Candidate Mobile field uses Work Mobile instead of Personal Mobile
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where the Candidate Mobile field used their Work Mobile instead of their Personal Mobile. 

59442 (10) - Search UI - User circle is an oval
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where the User icon was oval shaped instead of circular.

59911 (10) - Hot List/Shortlist - Unable to save a Contact/Candidate to a second list 
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where a user was unable to save a Contact/Candidate to a second list.



29th May 2024

58202 (10) - Index not updating - Phone calls 
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved error where Last Contacted and Last Called were not being updated in the index.



20th May 2024

53965 (7) - Support for International Date formats
Date formats now reflect the Personalisation settings in Mercury Core.  

50308 (7) - List View > Sort by Distance
The ability to sort by Distance when in List View has been added. 

54894 (7) - Email Client Contact
Ability to create an email for a Client Contact.

54892 (7) - Change Country field in Location (Distance) filter to be a list box
Country field in Location (Distance) filter has been changed to a pre-defined list. 

54835 (7) - Contact Phone Call
We've added a Phone Call option to Client Contact results. 

54629 (7) - Tile View > new 'Add To List' button
New option to 'Add to List' from the Tile view.  

48335 (8) - Hot List filter > Candidates
We've added the ability to search through Hot Lists via a filter to find Candidates.

55113 (8) - Hide 'non-configured' User fields 11-30
Where a User field is not configured, it will not be selectable as a filter as they are now hidden.

57288 (8) - Launch Match-to-Vacancy with a basic Job Title query
URL has been changed when clicking Match-to-Vacancy so that Search launches with the Job Title field populated.


48434 (9) - Additional filter for Education/ Qualifications
Level/Qualification filter and an Establishment filter have been added on Education records in order to identify Candidates by Qualification.


54065 (9) - Ensure to pass through the Vac ID when opening a Candidate Card in the context of a Vacancy
View the detail of the Candidate Card in the context of a Vacancy by passing through the Vacancy ID when opening a Candidate Card.


54834 (9) - Contact search > Add to existing Hot List
Ability to add single or multiple Contacts directly to an existing Hot List back in Mercury Core.

56211 (9) - For all suggestions reduce the number of characters required to 2 for consistency
Across all fields where there is a suggestion, the number of characters required is reduced to 2 to ensure consistency.

57384 (9) - Off Limits filter for Client Contact
An 'Off Limits' filter has been added for Client Contact searching.

58812 (9) - Terms with spaces in keywords to search the term and not individual words
In keywords where there is a space in between words, the 'wrapped' term will now be searched and not individual words, as in when using an 'OR'.

47366 (7) - Using 'Contains' on a search term with certain special characters causing an error
RESOLVED BUG: Using 'Contains' on a search term with certain special characters no longer causes an error. 

51871 (7) - Advanced mode > No count for Salary filter
RESOLVED BUG: Filter count now displays on Salary tab when closed. 

53234 (7) - Mercury Chat > Icon not displayed for end user
RESOLVED BUG: User Initials icon is now displayed. 

55037 (7) - Hidden results not being subtracted from the Count results > List and Tile Views
RESOLVED BUG: Hidden results are now subtracted. 

55843 (7) - What's New > No 'Loading' icon
RESOLVED BUG: The 'Loading' icon now displays immediately on selection of What's New. 

56347 (7) - Advanced Search > Different results when filters used
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved some issues with Advanced Mode not having consistent results when splitting out groups and when adding various filters. 

56363 (7) - Advanced Search > Different results when Off Limits reasons used
RESOLVED BUG: Behaviour has now been corrected when Off Limits reasons are used in Advanced Search. 

56724 (7) - List View > Selected results not deselected when search is changed
RESOLVED BUG: Selected results now deselected when the search is changed in List View. 

55374 (8) - Candidate > Filters (Job title, Employer), Contact (Employer) > Phrase matching is not resetting to 'Exact'
RESOLVED BUG: Phrase matching now resets to 'Exact'.

56395 (8) - Incorrect Boolean suggestion
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where a search term passed in the network call is incorrect and suggestions were subsequently incorrect.

57144 (8) - Job Titles being sent in Boolean mode
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where there is a Job Title filter in a Boolean search request.

57145 (9) - Hiding Candidates in Boolean not working
RESOLVED BUG: Resolved an error where excluding a Candidate within a Boolean search was breaking the search.

57307 (9) - ACS Indexing > Applicant > Object reference not set to an instance of an object
RESOLVED BUG: This error has now been resolved.

58054 (9) - Contact Screen > 'Exact' not working on Employer Filter
RESOLVED BUG: Now only returns results that are an 'Exact' match.


22nd January 2024

49230 - Update Vacancy index when Candidate is added to Shortlist 

When a Candidate is added to a Shortlist, the index wasn't picking the changes up frequently enough so now we ensure to update on the change and not on the hour.


49395 - Show Applicants in a Vacancy 

The ability to see who is an Applicant in a Vacancy. All Applicants are now indexed and all Applicants linked to a Vacancy are shown. 


49443 - Remove Exact and Contains on Tags filter field 

Tags are a lookup to a fixed word field and therefore there is no use or purpose for Contains so we have now removed the Exact and Contains options from the filter field.


49422 - Additional 'Off Limits' column for List view 

In the List view there is now an option for having an additional column for Off Limits


49400 - Additional 'CV last received' columns for List view 

In the List view there is now an option for having an additional column for CV last received



December 2023 

35822 - Email all results 

Added the ability to select All Candidates in the Results of a query and send an email to all of them.


32235 - Remove 'Refresh results' in Boolean search 

The Refresh results button in Boolean search has now become redundant and therefore the button has been removed.


48193 - Make more obvious what environment I am in 

In order to know which environment I am in, I need to have a prominent reminder somewhere, so now the Logged in environment is displayed on the top panel of the Search screen.


40360 - Vacancy with long name being cut off in drop-down Vacancies list and on the Save button 

Vacancies with long names were being cut off in the drop-down Vacancies list and on the Save button. We have now added an ellipsis to any Vacancy text that is longer than the space allowed, with a hover-over to see it in full.


41613 - Advanced groups > Subgroup not deleted when content deleted 

Subgroups were not being deleted when all their content was removed or deleted. This has now been fixed so that any subgroup is deleted where its content is empty and has no items left in it.