

Utilise Mercury's AI in generating suggested follow-up activities relating to a Client Contact or Candidate Contact following a phone call. Automatically create relevant text relating to the following features which save back to the CRM:

  • Email

  • Update

  • Task

  • Phone call

  • Appointment

  • Info

Additionally, update basic information about a Candidate based on information from the phone call, which also saves back to the CRM. See Example 6 for more information. 


The ActivityAI button is accessed within an individual Client Contact:

Home > Contacts > select Client Contact > General > Timeline > Phone Call record > Open Record > ribbon bar > ActivityAI



Assist in Client follow-up activities for Recruiters or prospective Hiring Managers. Pulling in from the Phone Call description, suggested follow-up activities that can be edited and reviewed. Follow-up activities generated are saved and added to the Client Contact Timeline:

  • Email

  • Update

  • Task


To see all generated activities, go to Home > Info section in the site left-hand menu to see the following:

  • Email

  • Update

  • Task

  • Phone call

  • Appointment

  • Info

NOTE: The types of suggested follow-up activities cannot be selected, they are autogenerated. It is possible to get duplicated activity types (e.g. two tasks with different subjects). By regenerating you may be able to get different activity suggestions each time.


Example 1: Follow-up Activity - Email

Based off of the Phone Call description, an Email is generated. All information returned is editable (including Due Date and Time) and the text can be regenerated in isolation (without impacting any other generated activities).

Select the Create Draft Email tick-box to save this back to the Client Contact Timeline and Home Info sections.



Example 2: Follow-up Activity - Update

Based off of the Phone Call description, an Update is generated. All information returned is editable (including Due Date and Time).

Select the Create Update tick-box to save this back to the Client Contact Timeline and Home Info sections.



Example 3: Follow up Activity - Task

Based off of the Phone Call description, a Task is generated. All information returned is editable (including Due Date and Time).

Select the Create Task tick-box to save this back to the Client Contact Timeline and Home Info sections.


Example 4: Follow-up Activity - Phone Call 

Based off of the Phone Call description, another Phone Call is generated. All information returned is editable (including Due Date and Time).

Select the Create Phone call tick-box to save this back Home Info section.



Example 5: Follow-up Activity - Appointment

Based off of the Phone Call description, an Appointment is generated. All information returned is editable (including Duration, Due Date and Time). You have the option to make the appointment a Teams Meeting (as opposed to in-person).

Select the Create and Send Appointment tick-box to save this back Home Info section.




Example 6: Follow-up Activity - Info

Based off of the Phone Call description, an Info is generated, this is similar to a Spec Send. All information returned is editable, apart from Name which is locked. Type defaults to the Job Title, but includes a drop-drop menu of the three job types (Permanent, Contract, Temporary) if required.

Select the Create Info tick-box to save this back Home Info section.




Example 6: Update Candidate information

Under the Update tab, there is the option to update the following information about a Candidate, based on the information in the phone call. Activity AI will attempt to fill in these sections with available information, but it can be overwritten from this screen.

  • Will relocate [Yes/No]

  • Availability [MM/DD/YYYY]

  • Contractor [Yes/No]

  • Temporary [Yes/No]

  • Current Rate (Temp) [numerical]

  • Permanent (Yes/No]

  • Current Salary [Numerical]