

Have you ever wanted to clone a Vacancy, but not so much for the cloning aspect, but more for creating a template for new Vacancies?

In version 29 of the Mercury Core release, we announced the item below:

Field Exclusion when Cloning a Vacancy - 45705

What: When cloning a Vacancy, customers will now be able to configure which fields are copied to the new Vacancy.

Where: Cloning Vacancy via the ribbon menu button.

How: A new Configuration item has been created > EXCLUDE_FIELDS_CLONE_VACANCY. This will allow you to configure which fields are copied over to the new Vacancy. Within the Configuration item, the value – string will need populating with the schema name of the field, you want to exclude. Tags will continue to be cloned. There are certain fields that are unable to be excluded:

- Clone
- Standard Rate Type
- Frequency
- Pay
- Charge
- Salary
- Currency
- Package Value
- Auto-calculated Values (recalculated automatically)
- User Fields

One of the stumbling blocks of using the Clone feature for templating, is that the Created On and Status values of the newly cloned Vacancy will be copied from the Vacancy record that you're cloning from. 

In v29 we added a new feature that enables our Customers to exclude certain fields during the cloning of a Vacancy.

If you add createdon and statecode within the EXCLUDE_FIELDS_CLONE_VACANCY config file, then these will be reset upon cloning - i.e. createdon will reset to Today and statecode will reset to Require CVs

NOTE: The Config file changes can only be carried out by your organisation's System Administrator.



1. Config file changes to be carried out accordingly as described above by your organisation's System Administrator.

2. Cloning a Vacancy via the ribbon menu button within the Vacancy record.



Apply the config changes as described above and then carry out the cloning process to create a new Vacancy template.