

Build a Search query by using Boolean to return more bespoke responses. By using Boolean search and operators to filter the expansive data within Mercury, the process of looking for relevant Candidates is made that much easier! 



For this article we have accessed Search via the Contacts area.
Home > Contacts > Search > Mercury Search > Boolean tab.


Create a search using Boolean search and operators by adding at least one search term into the Search Builder text bar. When typing, lookup options will appear below to select from. After starting a Boolean search, you can then further refine results by the terms in the left-hand side menu. To see a description of each, to go Glossary for Search Terms and Filter Terms in Search.


Search Builder

1. Begin typing in the search bar, lookup options will appear below. Click on suitable search terms and these will appear in the search bar. For example, searching "product" will return suggestions for Job Title and Tags



2. Add an operator between terms from the Logic Builder drop-down button, or type it in. There are three options: AND, ORNOT. These must be added between each search term. 



3. Once the Boolean string is complete, hit the Search button to begin returning results.

NOTE: The "No results found" screen will show up until you click search.



4. Related Terms will be suggested once you conduct a search. These are limited to Job TitlesTags, or both (All). 



Filter Options 

After conducting an initial search using Boolean, you can then further limit results by using search terms / filter terms. Each separate term is associated with an AND function. This connective logic will ensure only Candidates who fit the input criteria are returned. For example, filter by Job Title AND Availability AND Salary. However, the relationship between the different terms within a search term / filter term can have different operators, depending on which are used. See Glossary for Search Terms and Filter Terms in Search for explanations of each filter.