
Release notes – LinkedIn v25 August 2024

We are pleased to bring you a new version of our LinkedIn integration which will be made live to customers on Saturday 17th August 2024.

As well as undertaking some technical maintenance work to enhance the stability and performance of the integration we have also implemented some software fixes and made some other improvements.

A full list is provided below.



12182: LinkedIn InMails Activity Status = Active

Previously, when the LinkedIn RSC integration was retrieving InMails and creating them in Mercury onto the timeline, they were going in as Active activities.
This has now been changed so that they are marked as “Completed”. 


33455: LIQT (LinkedIn Query Triggers) (InMail) failing with invalid hexadecimal character

Previously, when an invalid hexadecimal character was found when syncing Inmails, it reported an error.
This has now been changed so that it is ignored to prevent errors being reported.


42606: LinkedIn Sync Triggers - RSC Integration Plugin (M18746)

LinkedIn Sync Triggers were throwing a large volume of exceptions for low priority 'information' level issues.
This was causing issues when trying to monitor the system in locating genuine failures and issues. 
We now make a note of these exceptions, but do not throw the exception as before.


61694: Improve handling of Data Exceptions

We have made a change so that by default, data exceptions caused while syncing Candidate, ShortList, or Vacancy records are no longer logged.
Prior to this, data exceptions were always being logged but rarely actioned, so causing unnecessary storage issues.
Should you wish to re-enable the data exception logging, then you can set the LINKEDIN_CREATE_DATA_EXCEPTION to true.


61792: When merging contacts, the LinkedIn stub profile should reparent to the primary contact

Fixed an issue where merging contacts, would not reparent any stub profile on the secondary contact to the primary.
Now, if the primary contact does not already have a stub profile but the secondary does, then the stub profile is linked to the primary contact.
If the primary contact already has a stub profile, then the secondary contact is deactivated along with any linked stub profile.


62119: Duplicate Ready LISTs (LinkedIn Sync Triggers)

There were circumstances where duplicate LinkedIn Sync Triggers were created with a status of Ready.
This has now been resolved.


62961: Contact field "Linked Via Stub Profile" is equal to "No" when linked to a Stub profile (IDEA-01232)

We have updated 'Linked via Stub Profile' with a name of 'Needs Linking?' which more accurately reflects the purpose, and avoids confusion as to what the 'yes' and 'no' status' means.