
Updates to Search

Recently we made an update to Search which saw the Filters and Groups modes of searching brought together into a single interface called Structured. This now appears next to Boolean on the Search dashboard.

The video below tells you more about these changes and below there is more detail about the latest release.


We have recently launched some further improvements to the interface to make it easier for you to build your search. 

When you click edit structure two panels will open – search groups and filter groups.  


You can then continue to create and edit your search query using these panels. 

You will see that the results pane is condensed to let you focus on building the query. 


You are still able to view the result hits and detail information. 



To add the candidate to a hotlist or shortlist you will need to click either Expand results (at the bottom of the results panel), Hide Groups (at the bottom of the Search Groups or Filter Groups panels), or Hide Selector (at the bottom of the search builder panel). 


This will expand the results panel. If you are in the context of a vacancy, or have already added candidates to a list, the shortlist or hotlist panel will also display at this point. 


Other changes include 

When you load a saved query which has had the structure edited, the filter and search tabs will be auto populated as well as the groups panels.  

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated 

When using “Show AI Suggestions” is selected, all results are now automatically selected by default. You can deselect any that are not applicable. 

A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated